the course of Western Civilization-the course of Western Civilizationthe course of Western Civilization

"the course of Western Civilization"
为什么说俄乌战争中乌克兰不具有正当性,为什么说美国已经不是个民主国家,而只是以民主为幌子的民主党寡头暴政,或者奥巴马独裁的国家,为什么说普京不是独裁者?反而是唯一一个真正的民选总统。-the course of Western Civilization



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Hunter Biden could kill Trump on a living broadcast in broad daylight. According to the current laws of the United States, there is nothing to do with him. Adams said more than 200 years ago that the U.S. Constitution was established for moral people, and it was based on self-discipline and self-restraint. In fact, U.S. laws are full of loopholes. Now these professional politicians have already gotten to the bottom of the U.S. laws. They make the U.S. Constitution, the American people, and even the Founding father like putty in their hands.-the course of Western Civilization

Hunter Biden could kill Trump on a living broadcast in broad daylight. According to the current laws of the United States, there is nothing to do with him. Adams said more than 200 years ago that the U.S. Constitution was established for moral people, and it was based on self-discipline and self-restraint. In fact, U.S. laws are full of loopholes. Now these professional politicians have already gotten to the bottom of the U.S. laws. They make the U.S. Constitution, the American people, and even the Founding father like putty in their hands.

broad daylight. According to the current laws of the United States, there is not...

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In fact, as president, the corruption of the Biden family is very common in third-world countries, and the biggest difference between these countries and the United States is the lack or scarcity of Christian faith. Obviously, after losing the Christian faith, there is no difference between the United States and these countries, so the corruption of the Biden family is inevitable.-the course of Western Civilization

In fact, as president, the corruption of the Biden family is very common in third-world countries, and the biggest difference between these countries and the United States is the lack or scarcity of Christian faith. Obviously, after losing the Christian faith, there is no difference between the United States and these countries, so the corruption of the Biden family is inevitable.

common in third-world countries, and the biggest difference between these countr...

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