大家再看, 1.9万亿按美国人口331.000.000来均摊,每人$5740美元,发给每人$1400,另外的$4340都去那里?但每人负债却是$5740, 民主党开始抢吃子孙后代的口粮了,也就是中国人常说的丁吃卯粮,钱不会从天上掉下来,债总是要还,不是这一代就是下一代,而且如果长期一直这样大规模发放下去的话,马上就走进委内瑞拉。民主党还挫败了共和党提出的禁止将救济金发放给监狱重刑犯与非法移民的修正案,其实民主党也没有安什么好心,他们这样做的目的,就是在收买非法移民,用纳税人的钱补助非法移民,让非法移民为他们投票。民主党已经赤裸裸地撕下面具,它完全就是一个为了权贵,精英以及自己切身利益服务的党,也根本就不顾忌别人的指责,因为它已经控制了政府的三权,正常的法律程序根本就拿它没办法。
Through politics, politicians want to get rich; the rich expect to be a new God, leftists wish to gain without pain, pastors do nothing to these evils. Under the combined effect of these four kinds of people, the United States is completely ruined. is completely finished under the joint action of these four kinds of people
Yesterday, the Democratic-controlled Senate forcibly passed the 190 billion relief bill, which had been passed by the House before, so the bill became a formal law. However, only 9% of these funds were used for relief, and the other 91% were employed for other projects or abroad. Please see, there are about 330 million people in the United States x $2000 per person = $66 million (here, $2000 per person relief is the maximum amount, and many people can’t get this amount.), $1.9 trillion – $0.66 trillion = $1.24 trillion, that is, only $0.66 trillion helped Americans. Where did the other $1.25 trillion go? Whose pocket should it go? At present, no one knows because there is too much content in this bill, totaling more than 600 pages. However, it is said that a subway station will be built in Pelosi’s election district, not far from Pelosi’s home, which will use the money of the relief. This fund is also employed for the construction of Schumer’s hometown; he is the Senate’s majority leader. A considerable part of it is used to relieve the state of California and New York, where the Democratic Party has ruled for a long time and whose finances are about to go bankrupt. You can see that this is the purpose of the Democratic Party to win the election by all means of fraud. To win the election can bring such great material benefits and booty. The American political system has indeed reached the point where it must be changed.
Let’s look at the 1.9 trillion. If it is shared equally by the American population of 331.000.000, each person’s debt is $5740. The democratic party begins to borrow today’s food against tomorrow’s income, that is, to eat American corn in the blade. The next generation will always repay the debt. And if this relief continues to be distributed on such a large scale for a long time, America will immediately enter Venezuela. The Democrats also defeated the Republican Party’s amendment prohibiting relief money from prison felons and illegal immigrants. In fact, the Democratic Party has no good intentions. Their purpose is to buy illegal immigrants, subsidize illegal immigrants with taxpayer money and let illegal immigrants vote for them. The Democratic Party has torn off its mask. It is a party that serves the dignitaries, elites, and its own vital interests. It does not care about other people’s accusations because it has controlled the three branches of the government, and normal legal procedures have no idea about it at all.
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Welcome to https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BQF77K3D to buy the Kindle ebook “the course of western civilization(essence version)”
We mentioned the three types of people above. One is Hong Xiuquan, Obama, Biden, etc., who desire to change their lives through politics. The other is Bill Gates, etc., who desires to be a new God to guide humans forward. And the third is the church’s priests. They shy away from the evil of the secular government, give in to the secular government, seek a comfortable life, and completely humiliate God’s glory. These three types of people are the main reason for the slow decline of the United States, but they account for only about 10% of the total population at most, while the Democratic Party has at least 40% support in the US; that is, at least about 30% of the people are accomplices. These people are commonly known as leftists. These leftists generally have better family conditions, worry-free food, and clothing, and most have received higher education. They are very kind and willing to help others, but there are several problems in their growth process.
First, they live a long-term worry-free life that keeps them out of touch the reality. They are very kind, thinking that all welfare is deserved and that all rights are inherent, humans never need to fight and struggle, and they feel that the whole world is generally the same as America.
Second, they received atheist education in public schools since childhood. They believe that people are rational and that human nature is perfect and beautiful, and people must be good people in the world. If there are bad people, it is because of the social system. These bad people are treated unfairly, so they have rebellious psychology and do evil. They attribute any crime to society and look for reasons from the system. They don’t believe that people are sinful; everyone’s heart is full of greed and depravity. They don’t believe that people created by God are very different in faith. Some people are extremely greedy and depraved, and even they themselves are such people.
3、 They are taught in public schools that loving can solve, melt everything, overcome, and influence everything. They don’t believe that there are still clashes of belief, vast conflicts of interest, and all kinds of hostile relations. Many times, people are in different worlds. Some people don’t believe in love at all. They believe in hatred and Killing; when you want to influence them with love, you are a lamb to the slaughter in the eyes of these people.
4、 In fact, these white leftists are also full of original sin and don’t know it. They are also greedy and degenerate in the depths of their hearts. They are also fond of leisure and hate work, covet life and fear death, love vanity, and muddle along day by day.

So leftist took these empty and taken for granted thoughts, such as human nature is perfect, fraternal, and the sky can drop pie, the government can keep them from the cradle to the grave, oh, these not thinkings, but fantasies, as his life basis and guide, plus their original sins, such as greed and degeneration, vanity, pleasure, fear of death, which are naturally carried by human beings, all of which are combined in one, called “political correctness.” As the saying goes, The father buys, the son builds, The grandchild sells, and his son begs. So the curse of God rests on idleness, from shirtsleeves to shirtsleeves in three generations. It seems that not only the family but also the country is that. Let’s analyze the contemporary leftist with specific examples below so we can thoroughly understand.
In October 2015, a female volunteer who worked in a refugee camp on the French border disclosed her misfortune to the outside world: more than a month ago, she was gang-raped by a group of Sudanese refugees in the refugee camp. She didn’t call the police immediately because “others asked me to remain silent” .Her colleagues advised her to keep silent because they wanted to protect the weak and build a better world. These leftists thought these refugees were the product of the old system and lacked love. They wanted to use love to influence them and hope that they could reflect on themselves, but they didn’t know that these refugees were from another world without the concept of love; their faith only made them have animal desires and cruelty in their hearts. This so-called love and tolerance of leftists only incentivize the perpetrators, encouraging them to commit crimes again and harm others.
Moreover, I stress here that the gang-raped victim dare not report it to the police. The main reason is that she declines to become the focus of society and the target of the attack, which makes life more annoying, and bothering, so she gives up the struggle. In fact, this is also very normal. Ordinary people always have no faith; they survive, muck about day in and day out, coveting and indulging in enjoyment. This is also the common point of these leftists in the United States. It is conceivable that these silly leftists, accounting for 30% of the total population of the United States, have become a massive accomplice to making the United States completely degenerate and entirely fall.
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