“德国历史上的 “魏玛宪法”从纸面上来说,几乎是二十世纪最自由、最民主的宪法之一。它的结构之严密几乎到了完善的程度,其中不乏设想巧妙、令人钦佩的条文,看来似乎足以保证一种几乎完善无疵的,民主制度的实行。”(《第三帝国的兴亡纳粹德国史》85页)然而“魏玛宪法”失败了,因为再精巧、再复杂的设计,都抵御不了人性的贪婪堕落,同样也抵御不了一般民众的贪生怕死、胆小怕事,而恰巧当时是德国基督教信仰最稀薄的时候,否则很难相信,会这样狂热地崇拜一个不是上帝的凡人。民主选举并不是很稀奇的事,在人类的不同时期都曾经存在过,但都无法长久地坚持下来,就是因为人性使然,民主、自由、平等其实是最反人性的,与我们现实中接触的常识是完全相反的。民主选举只有建立在上帝之下人人平等,兄弟之爱的基础上才是最牢固、最可靠的,这也是迄今为止人类历史经验所证明的,所以说对于一个越来越远离上帝,越来越远离兄弟之爱的美国,我是一点信心都没有。
①《The Bad Citizen in Classical Athens》By Matthew R. Christ. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2006.
On the surface, Hitler and his Nazi party were promoted to power by voters following legal procedures. But almost all the means behind the legal procedures to seize power are illegal and blatantly trampled on constitutional principles. As far as July 1921, when Hitler took the lead over the Nazi party, he immediately set out to build the armed forces of the Nazi Party. In August of the same year, the armed forces maintaining “order” during his rally evolved into a paramilitary military uniform. This armed force played an irreplaceable role in Hitler’s capturing of power and became a Stormtrooper that wantonly destroyed the democratic constitution. By 1933, the stormtrooper had provoked 40000 armed fights throughout the country and continuously perpetrated terrorist incidents. Those fights, murders, and explosions killed all political discussions and opponents’ political space, making Germany fall into a most difficult and chaotic situation after World War I. The stormtrooper made significant contributions to Hitler’s rising to power. Not much later, Hitler expanded his bodyguard, the SS, to replace the position of The stormtrooper, the SS was loyal to Hitler only, and it was both military and secret police. By the mid-1930s, 45000 secret police officers of the SS had been deployed throughout the country, monitoring hostile activities to the government. Its 65000 security police and 2.8 million discipline police guarded Hitler. In addition, there were 40000 guards in 160 labor camps and 20 concentration camps nearby, cruelly persecuted innocent “Prisoners” and anti-fascist soldiers. There was also 100000 security intelligence personnel closely monitoring the ideological trend of the people. All of this let Hitler almost control the whole of Germany. Therefore, Hitler seized the highest power by destroying and abandoning the democratic procedure and rules rather than complying with them.
“Weimar constitution” of German was almost one of the most liberal and democratic constitutions in the 20th century. Its structure was almost perfect and had many ingenious and admirable provisions, which seemed to be enough to guarantee the implementation of a nearly perfect and flawless democracy. “(“The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich, History of Nazi Germany,” p. 85). However, the Weimar constitution failed because sophisticated and complicated designs couldn’t fight back the greed and degradation of human nature; it could not resist the people’s fear of death and cowardice. Moreover, It happened at a time when German Christianity was more vulnerable than anytime else; otherwise, it was difficult to believe that German fanatically idolized a layman more than God. Democratic elections are not very rare, they have existed in different periods of humans, but they can not be held on for a long time. Because of human nature, democracy, freedom, and equality are actually the most anti-human nature and are totally contrary to the common sense we see in reality. Democratic elections are secure and reliable only when everyone is equal under God and based on brotherly love. This is also proved by human experience so far. Therefore, I have no confidence in an America which is going away from God and brotherly love.
① Matthew R “The Bad Citizen in Classical Athens” Christ. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2006.
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