圣经确实字字分明地写着,“上帝的归上帝,凯撤的归凯撤。” 耶稣这么说的语境是在以色列背叛上帝亡国后,上帝以耶稣圣子的身份来到人间,在一片道德废墟中重建信仰。基督教在发展的初期,在非基督教国度中为了生存不得不忍气吞声,当时这样说只能说是不得已,因为耶稣从来没有想用刀剑来传教,或者表达了一种良好的愿望,但同时也有着极为深远的寓意。良好的愿望毕竟是良好的愿望,接下去的残酷现实也说明这只是个良好的愿望,非基督教国家从来没有政教分离的概念,罗马帝国代表异教对基督教几次残酷的迫害,也说明了这点。但是它的深远寓意是,政教分离因而成为基督教国家的基本概念,使基督教国家形成有别于非基督教国家的独特社会。当代政治学将人类历史上的国家分成三类,一类是纯世俗国家,如,东方世界的大多数国家,这里世俗皇帝的权力完全压制宗教,宗教完全为世俗政权服务,成为维护世俗王权稳定的工具。一种是伊斯兰社会的政教合一,这里宗教影响力远大于世俗政权,世俗政权完全沦为教会的工具,这二者都是非基督教国家。第三类也就是基督教国家,这里宗教与政治、教会与世俗国王是分离的,二者时常处于冲突状态,但是却能达到互相制约、互相促进,使社会协调、有序地发展。对这样的分类,我个人深以为然,很好地反映了人类社会的本质。中世纪随着基督教在欧洲的辉煌胜利,欧洲社会中的每一个人都是教会成员,每个国家也都是基督教国家,基督教影响着人们生活的一切,但是由于“凯撤的归凯撤,上帝的归上帝”,新的矛盾出现了。代表教会的教皇与代表世俗政权的国王之间,在教权与王权谁占主导地位上争论不休,伴随着教皇与国王的权力之争,政教分离也成为这些基督教国家经常讨论话题,这些都是其他社会不可能出现的现象。对于政教分离这个问题,几代人耗费了无数的心血深入讨论,最后形成了双剑理论,将人类社会分成精神与物质、宗教与世俗的二重社会,教会执掌着精神之剑,国王执掌物质之剑,教会掌管着宗教事务,而国王掌管世俗事务,他们的权柄都来自上帝,各执一方。教会与国家互相依存、互相依赖,而又互相制约、互相对抗。丛日云教授将基督教社会形容成二头蛇怪兽,互相撕咬、缠斗,但是又必须互相妥协、协调一致,否则蛇身将无法行动,这样比喻虽然怪异,但却很形象。这样一来就形成了基督教社会独有的现象,就是教会制约王权,束缚住王权的肆虐,免于纯世俗社会的改朝换代之苦,同时世俗政权又抑制宗教,免于政教合一社会的野蛮与愚昧,反而使社会能够平稳、有序、健康地发展,避免了纯世俗的王权专制社会与政教合一社会的弊端。



What will be discussed below is the Williams event. Williams is considered to be the founder of religious freedom. It is he who put forward the concepts of conscience freedom and religious freedom, which finally enabled different Christian denominations to coexist and prosper harmoniously in the United States. However, I put forward a view contrary to this traditional opinion. I think Williams did not initiate the concept of religious freedom. Religious freedom has widely existed in England. During the period of Cromwell’s protectorate, religious freedom has been quite common. All sects coexist harmoniously and have freedom of faith on the basis of recognizing the absolute power of God in conscience. After all, different Protestant sects read the same Bible, based on Luther and Calvin’s theories. They all pursue brotherly love and have no basis for fierce conflict. The nature of the conflict between them is completely different from that between Catholicism and Protestantism. Luther initially put up the idea that Catholicism was Antichrist, so the contradiction between Protestantism and Catholicism is irreconcilable. Williams brought up the concept of complete separation of politics and religion, that is, the State shall not interfere in religious affairs, and the Church also not interfere in state affairs. In fact, this is the reason and beginning of the continuous division of Puritans. It can be said that Williams’ theory of separation of politics and religion led to the scattered situation of American churches. Thus, the secular government continues to encroach on the Church’s rights, which is a potential danger for the American society to enter the police state. The reason why I say these are very long. You can only listen to me slowly. First of all, before we understand the Williams incident and Williams’ theory of the complete separation of politics and religion, we must understand the real and original separation of politics and religion.

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The Bible clearly says, “God belongs to God, and Kaiser belongs to Kaiser.” Jesus said this in the context that after Israel betrayed God and their countries had been subjugated, God came to the world as the son Jesus and rebuilt his faith in a moral ruin. In the early stage of the development of Christianity, in order to survive in non-Christian countries, Christianity had to grin and bear anything. At that time, there was no alternative but to do it because Jesus never hoped to preach with a sword. It also expresses a good wish and has a very far-reaching meaning. But a good wish only is a good wish. The cruel reality followed also shows that it is only a good wish. Non-Christian countries never had the concept of separation of politics and religion. The several cruel persecutions of Christianity by the Roman Empire on behalf of pagans also expound on this. But its profound implication is that the separation of politics and religion has become the basic concept of Christian countries, which makes Christian countries form a unique society different from non-Christian countries. Contemporary politics divide countries in human history into three categories. One is pure secular countries, for example, in most countries in the eastern world, where the power of secular emperors completely suppresses religion, and religion completely serves the secular regime, becoming a tool to maintain the stability of secular Kingship. One is the integration of politics and religion in Islamic society. The religious influence here is more significant than the secular regime; the secular regime has wholly become a tool of the Church. Both are non-Christian countries. The third category is Christian countries, where religion and politics, Church and secular king are separated. They are often in conflict, but they can restrict and promote each other to develop society harmoniously and orderly. I personally agree with this categorization and think it reflects the essence of human society. In the middle ages, with the brilliant victory of Christianity in Europe, everyone in European Society was a member of the Church, and every country was also Christian. Christianity affected everything in people’s life. However, due to “God belongs to God, and Kaiser belongs to Kaiser.”, new contradictions appeared. There is a constant dispute over who dominates the religious and royal powers between the Pope representing the Church and the king standing for the secular regime. With the power struggle between the Pope and the king, the separation of politics and religion has also become a frequent topic of discussion in these Christian countries, which is impossible in other societies. For the separation of politics and religion, generations spent countless efforts and in-depth discussions. Finally, they formed the double sword theory, which divided human society into spiritual, material, religious, and secular societies. The Church held the spiritual sword, the king held the material sword, the Church managed the religious affairs, and the king handled the secular affairs. Their power comes from God, and they each hold one. The Church and the State are interdependent and codependent, are mutual restraint and mutual interaction. Professor Cong Riyun described the Christian society as two heads like snake monsters, biting and fighting each other, but they must compromise and coordinate with each other. Otherwise, the snake’s body will be unable to move. Although this metaphor is strange, it is very vivid. In this way, a unique phenomenon in Christian society is formed; that is, the Church restricts the Kingship, curbs the rampant Kingship, and avoids the suffering of the change of dynasties in a purely secular society. At the same time, the secular regime restrains religion and avoids the barbarism and ignorance of a society integrating politics and religion. It enables the society to develop smoothly, orderly, and healthily, avoids the defects of the pure secular monarchy autocratic society and the society of integration of politics and religion.
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