Americans and has harmed three or four generations of them.
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Big news has shocked the United States these days: Biden is ready to push the equality bill. In fact, the bill has nothing to do with equality but aims at protecting trans sexual people, that is, transgender people. The equality bill can only cause greater inequality because many things in the world are natural and come from the depths of the soul and the universe. It is difficult to explain where we come from and where life comes from; at present, no one can completely understand these. We only know that there is a moral law in our hearts, and what can we do? What can’t you do? But where do these moral laws come from? We are also not very clear. We only know from the ancient past, the ancient Bible, and scriptures, and I believe that these moral laws are hidden in the depths of the universe and come from the depths of the soul; they can not be changed at will. However, some so-called progressives want to push down these moralities forcibly and establish new morality. They want to be the helmsman of humans and the new God of humans.
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When you see this photo, you may have broken your integrity. These are some objects that Biden’s Equality Act wants to protect. At this moment, on this occasion, I reminisce about the scenes that often appear in Gu Long’s novels. There is a spell in the ancient mysterious clan. When the clan turns against God, God will use magic power to punish the clan and make their descendants tortured by hatred forever; life is a living death, then from here began the love and hatred often seen in Gu Long’s novels. And from this, I remember the Ten Commandments in the Bible. The Ten Commandments in the Bible are a curse imposed on Israel and even humans. It wasn’t easy to understand. Seeing Biden’s equality bill and this photo, I suddenly see the light, So that’s how it is. Let’s look at the first two of the ten commandments. The first commandment is, “I am The Lord your God, Who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage. You shall have no other gods before Me.”. The second commandment: “You shall not make for yourself a graven image, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth; you shall not bow down to them or serve them; for I The Lord your God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children to the third and the fourth generation of those who hate Me, but showing steadfast love to thousands of those who love Me and keep My Commandments.”. It can be said that the scripture I have read countless times, but I just got an ordinary meaning without a deep impression usually. First of all, I doubt that God has any magic power to chasten those who break the contract with him until three or four generations. But in reality, the more the United States deviates from God, the more perfect the secular life is; and the more prosperous material life gets. Seeing no sign of God’s punishment, I feel that the contents of these two commandments should be a metaphor, not an actual meaning.

But when I saw this photo and Biden’s Equality Act, I finally knew that God has condemned humans and harmed three or four generations of those who hated him. Think about it, according to Biden’s Equality Act and what some Biden government officials often advocate, they demand absolute equality for transgender people and even encourage people to change their sex. Biden’s nominated Vice Minister of Health is transgender; he encouraged the children to be transgender and suggested that children can choose their gender; parents should not hinder it. How do you think the Biden government is a crazy pervert? So the children of ordinary Americans who depart from God at this young age have to bear the reversal of the course of events, gender disorder, self-mutilation, neither male nor female, like demons and beasts and suffer painful punishment for all life. More importantly, they do not consider it a punishment and are willing to do it. What kind of terrible realm of punishment is this? It can be said that it is the cruelest punishment for betraying God. Even if we do not think about whether God created man, we also know that people who grow naturally possess strong vitality, exuberance, and self-healing ability. Both cells and organs operate in the ideal state. Man-made objects and artifacts can’t compare with nature in any way. This is also common knowledge we realize in our life. Do you think artificial sex organs can compare with natural sex organs? Doesn’t it harm children for life?

And more than that. At present, marijuana has been legalized in more than a dozen states; the Biden government also advocates the legalization of heroin, group sex, and bestiality. Let alone say these contents violate the Bible; it is an obvious departure from common sense. For the sake of our children and grandchildren, we should use our lives to oppose the crazy behavior of the Biden government and defend the happy life of our children and grandchildren. At this time, many Americans, especially many American churches and Christians, are still indifferent to these, silent. They dare not go to the streets, dare not protest, or acquiesce in many people being mutilated by the devil, and they should indeed suffer more retribution if these actions develop. Except for two commandments in Bible, God also talks about the retribution of not respecting him in many places. Rereading these scriptures is amazing.
“Be careful not to be deceived and turn away from the right way to serve and worship other gods.
Behold, I set before you today the words of blessing and curse.
If you obey the commandments of the LORD your God, which I command you today, you will be blessed. If you do not obey the commandments of the LORD your God and turn away from the way I command you today to serve other gods you have never known, you will suffer. “

Of course, I believe that support of transgender people should not be Biden’s goal. Biden, as a politician, can buy off with $1 billion dollars without these lofty ideas. These should be the goal of the big men behind him. These big men have enjoyed everything in the world and are tired of living. Now their goal is to play the role of God, lead all living beings, and be the mentors of humans, pursue these new trendy stimuli, which is completely contrary to traditional biblical morality. In the book “the history of Western civilization” and numerous articles, I have pointed out that the Bible, “tao te ching,” is the ancient classic that figured out the profound law of morality from the depths of the universe. We feel very harmonious and happy when we accept them. For example, family happiness, monogamy, caring for the next generation, and so on, but when humans leave these ancient scriptures and try to deduce the moral law with human thinking and rationality, humans will fall to a dead end and draw some absurd and abnormal conclusions. In this book, “the course of western civilization(essence version)”“buy the book”, I use two chapters and more than 100000 words to prove that human rationality is powerless over morality. These proofs are actually based on existing philosophical achievements. I quote Professor Wan Junren’s “the history of modern western ethics” and Professor Song Xiren’s “the history of western ethical thought”, These two books should be the best works about western moral philosophy in China. Both authors criticized the empiricism of British Philosophy and the rationalism of German philosophy. However, they did not draw any conclusions after criticizing these philosophies. If any, they merely dealt with moral problems with China’s golden mean attitude.

On the basis of them, I went beyond and concluded that human rationality could not get morality at all. Nietzsche had broken the traditional moral law and the Western secular moral philosophy, even secular philosophy. Nietzsche proved that philosophy could not establish moral law, which could only be found through Superman. Moral philosophy is one of the two major themes of philosophy, but philosophers cannot set it. Still, Superman could only establish it forcibly, which also shows that there was no philosophy in the west after Nietzsche and philosophy had died. Western philosophy after Nietzsche either continuously exposed the ugliness of the human soul and very perceptual emotional fragments or allowed human rationality to enter a dead-end and draw some crazy and abnormal conclusions, such as Sartre’s existence is reasonable, encouragement of transgender above-mentioned, and so on. Therefore, Orwell, the author of “1984”, once said, “some crazy and abnormal conclusions can only be believed by intellectuals and only exist in the concepts constructed by intellectuals.” These also further prove the conclusion drawn in my book that human rationality can do nothing about morality and humans can only adhere to ” Tao Te Ching “and “Bible” or some other ancient classics. Otherwise, humans will enter the realm of crazy metamorphosis. But the tragedy is that these intellectuals dominate the intelligentsia and control the discursive power of humans. Human natural admiration and worship for professors and senior scholars make their absurd conclusions popular everywhere and bring endless disasters to humans.

For Biden’s crazy and abnormal behavior, the American church, which should have made the most fierce resistance, did not say a word. It shows that the American church has completely fallen and is the root cause of the decline of America. I have a very detailed discussion in “the course of western civilization(essence version)”“buy the book” The Puritans who founded the United States had obvious disadvantages and advantages. The advantage is the extreme pursuit of freedom and equality. The disadvantage is that they do not recognize any power organization. That is, the American church has no power center and is gradually swallowed up by the secular government. I hope you can read my book for details if you are free. At present, the secular forces in the United States, Biden, and the Democratic Party have pushed Christianity and human society into a desperate situation. If Biden’s equality bill is implemented, it is no longer a problem of democracy, dictatorship, majority tyranny, etc. these concepts are still within the scope of humans, and Biden’s equality bill has gone beyond the scope of humans and entered the realm of anti-humanity, Pushing humans into the realm of a beast, that is, Gu Yanwu said, the demise of the world, broke the biblical morality, broke the traditional ethics of humans, brought humans into an extremely abnormal realm of demons and ghosts, destroyed the human world and entered a new human world. The United States is the world’s largest and has the most powerful military force in the world. Its army can challenge the sum of other countries in the world. If Biden or the next democratic government promotes these by force, humans will enter the realm of beasts together. Even without the use of force, the United States, as the world leader, has an influential exemplary role, and the damage of the Equality Act to human society is unimaginable.

I felt hopeless and pessimistic about these current situations and was decadent and powerless for a long time. Later, I finally woke up that this was the signal; God wanted us to fight. He demanded each of us to fight, seeking his glory and halo in the battle, searching for the feeling full of the Holy Spirit in the struggle. I also know the most important thing that God wants me to do is promote my book to the English world. So I must improve my English writing level for this purpose, so I try to post in English daily. Finally, I slowly come out of the state of decadence and weakness and feel that God has come to my heart, and the Holy Spirit is full. I think these should also be the enlightenment for every Christian in the United States. In this case, we must not feel pessimistic, desperate, decadent, and powerless. Everyone should fight and do what they can, whether forwarding a small post or going to the streets to protest. And do what you can under the condition of ensuring your own safety, as long as everyone gives a little light and heat. Biden’s equality bill, the Democratic Party’s idea of killing the world, is absolutely impossible to achieve. After all, the United States is still a free society, and its social forces are still very strong. However, it is indeed the time for every Christian to fight for the Christian Church, God, and humans. If they do not fight, there will be not only a dead end but also a disaster for future generations. Because the bill also requires that church schools hire at least one transgender teacher, which is obviously contrary to the contents of the Bible. The act of distorting religious beliefs is also contrary to the first amendment. It can also be seen how much the Democratic Party, the entire judicial system, and the whole intelligence community of the United States have deviated from the U.S. Constitution. It is completely illegal.

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I believe that I am a person who has received the grace of God and can experience the glory of God in my heart and the happiness of filling with the Holy Spirit. This is a very harmonious and perfect state. I have also met many real Christians. I also feel that they are often in a similar state in their words and deeds. I believe this is the holiest and loveliest state of humans; I hope everyone in the United States is also in this state. I don’t wish anyone to enter Biden’s beast realm. I think this is the consensus of common sense of parents all over the world. What kind of terrible state is in the above photo? It is a state of complete collapse and the imminent extinction of humans. I finally know that people’s consciousness is different. People’s spiritual realm is predetermined. Sometimes you have to believe Calvin’s extreme absolute predestination. Everything is predetermined. We can only pray for God’s salvation forever so that we can have a happy life on earth as much as possible. Note here that I use the word “as much as possible.” Human beings live to death, and our destinies cannot be changed. However, if we can enjoy the Holy Spirit from time to time and happiness of feelings full of delight, in that case, we will not waste a trip to the earth, which can only be sensed but not expressed in words. Biden and the Democratic Party can never realize the Holy Spirit of happiness. Of course, they don’t believe these at all because they don’t really recognize the existence of God. They only believe that Sartre’s “existence is reasonable,” that is, as long as any way of life they can imagine, it is reasonable and an actual way of life. You can see How abnormal and how abnormal life it is? Because in the eyes of these people like Sartre, there is no God, no Bible, no human ethics, only endless attempts and endless abnormal stimuli. This is their life. They only delight in indulging in these messy ecstasies, sensual pleasures, abnormal thrillers, suffocating madness, and so on.
Therefore, leftists, Rightists, conservatives, and radicals are two kinds of people. On the surface, they all seem to have the image of humans. One head, two hands, two feet, can walk upright, etc., but in the ideological, they are two creatures. It is impossible to live together. I suggest that the United States be divided into two countries: conservative and radical. Everyone lives in their own way. There is no need to quarrel and struggle every day in order to get together. Just like husband and wife, they can’t live together; There’s no need to get together..
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