fiddle, trapping them into hired thugs, like Hitler’s Sa, to manipulate democracy thoroughly
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Last year, Freud, who triggered the BLM movement, was knelt and killed by the police Derek Chauvin. There is news about the event now. The municipal government reconciled with the family before the trial. In this so-called “pre-trial settlement of the largest civil rights manslaughter lawsuit in American history”, the far-left Minneapolis City Council voted 13-0 to pay $27 million to the family of George Floyd. This happened while the jury was conducting a criminal trial against Derek Chauvin, who was charged with third-degree murder, second-degree unintentional murder, and second-degree manslaughter. According to the Medical examiner, after Chauvin pressed Freud’s neck with his knee, the latter finally died of a drug overdose; Chauvin’s action was trained professionally and was not the cause of death. At that time, Freud was subdued when he refused to arrest for using a counterfeit $20 bill. Obviously, the current evidence is not good for Freud. Democrats and other leftists are worried that the jury will make a verdict of innocence for police Chauvin and hope to pressure the jury through this settlement agreement. Moreover, although the jury members are confidential in the United States, some far-left media have reported their professional and other personal information. Their names are leaked, causing them or their family members to be harassed or even attacked.
You can see that the United States has already become a very absurd and lawless society. These far-left media do such illegal things without fear of punishment because no one dares to sue them; otherwise, they will be attacked by the blacks.

Where does this money come from? How can a city have so many taxes for such an inexplicable matter? No one knows. Anyway, we probably know that the long-term democratic ruling States, such as California and New York, are used to having money to burn and spending lavishly. It must result in heavy tax, then a vicious circle, and finally, go bankrupt. Or they receive subsidies from the federal government, and just like this 190 million relief case, a large amount of money flows to these long-term democratic ruling states. Finally, the whole American people pay for the Democratic Party’s cause.
Less than 10% of the new $1.9 trillion stimulus bill is related to covid 19. One of them is the loan exemption for socially disadvantaged farmers. Black farmers are exempt from all loans, up to 120%; they don’t have to pay back the money borrowed. Furthermore, they can earn 20% extra. Of course, white farmers don’t have a share. Do you think the current American society is absurd?

The conversation between the two teachers of Georgetown University about the academic performance of black law students after the Zoom course was recorded and posted online without their being aware of it. As a result, one of them was dismissed and apologized in tears. While the other “took leave before the end of the investigation of the office of diversity, fair and affirmative action” because he did not respond angrily to the “reprehensible remarks on the evaluation of black students” said by the dean of the law school.
According to Britain’s daily mail, Cyrus said when talking about the performance of a “black law student,” ‘They were a bit jumbled. It’s like let me reason through that, what you just said,’ Sellers said of a student’s performance, who the Black Law Students Association [sic] claims is the only black person in the class.
‘You know what? I hate to say this, but I end up having this angst every semester, that a lot of my lower ones are blacks,’ the adjunct professor of mediation and negotiation continued.
‘It happens almost every semester, and it’s like, oh, come on. You know, we get some really good ones but there also usually some of them that are just plain at the bottom,’ Sellers concludes.
Batson, also a mediation law expert, does not initially respond but simply looks down and nods in the short 43-second clip, which was allegedly leaked to social media by a student.
But the black law students’ Association doesn’t think so.
The black law students’ Association has always been one of the groups calling for Cyrus to resign and Basson to apologize.
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In a statement on Wednesday, the group claimed that the dialogue recording proved Cyrus’s bias against black students.
The statement said: “Not only is this situation revealing of Sellers’ true beliefs about Black students, it is also illustrative of the conscious and unconscious bias systemically present in law school grading at Georgetown Law and in law school classrooms nationwide,” the statement added. “The difference is that Sellers was caught, and her racism was broadcast for the world to see.”
William Treanor, Dean of the law school, issued a statement. In addition to announcing the punishment for the two teachers, there is the following paragraph.
“We are taking important steps to ensure that all students in this course receive fair marks without the participation of Professor Cyrus or professor Basson.
This is by no means the end of our work to address the many structural problems of racism reflected in this painful event, including clear and implicit prejudice, the responsibility of bystanders, and the need for more comprehensive anti-prejudice training. This is a problem of great concern to me. I will write to you soon and put forward a series of actions we will take to solve these problems. I will also send information about our planned Georgetown Law School Student Community hearing tomorrow. “
In American society, you can see that blacks have been spoiled to such an absurd extent in the name of the so-called correct politics and the pursuit of so-called absolute equality. Therefore, their poor performance cannot be said; otherwise, it is racial discrimination. And the blacks can not even get the lowest score; If blacks get the lowest score, it is also racial discrimination.

Regarding political correctness and absolute equality, I have discussed them a lot in my book “the course of western civilization(essence version)”“buy the book”. I have repeatedly stressed that human nature is greedy and degenerate. Only through faith can humans be saved and have an internal motivation to struggle for ourselves and make every effort. Because according to Protestant theory, the occupation we are engaged in on earth is our bounden duty. The greater our achievements, the more glorious God will be. Our efforts and struggle are closely related to faith—the stronger and firmer the faith, the harder and tougher the struggle naturally—naturally, the greater and higher the achievement. So you must respect the fact that human nature has fallen in greed, respect the law of salvation, respect faith, and respect effort. If you don’t recognize the greedy degeneration of human nature, don’t recognize that people have different degrees of faiths and efforts, unilaterally pursue equality for all, and force people who don’t work hard to have the same opportunities as those who work their socks off, then the world is absolutely unequal, which is more unfair than the previous inequality. It even encourages the greed and degeneration of human nature, resulting in the general corruption of society. For example, today’s US lowers the blacks’ enrollment score to enforce equality and artificially create equal opportunities, which can only encourage greed and degeneration and promote the evil of human nature. With the care of correct politics, the blacks are increasingly idle and lazy; more and more decline to make progress. That is to say, you should let people with faith and effort have opportunities to get development but also let people without faith and efforts have opportunities to lag behind. Otherwise, how can society reflect fairness and equality? In fact, the principles of the current anti-monopoly law reflect this kind of real equality well. As long as people in an advantageous position do not hinder others and suppress others’ development, It does not commit monopoly behavior. Arbitrarily identifying monopoly is actually suppressing progress and development, encouraging laziness and backwardness. Unfortunately, these anti-monopoly law principles only apply to identifying monopoly behavior, not as a universal principle.

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Do these also show that equality can be achieved only under God? Plus a God and more faith, the world is another world. Here, under the light of God, humans have the motivation and possibility to realize equality for all. According to the revelation of God and the teaching of the Holy Scripture, you firmly believe in God and hope to glorify God through your vocation. Then you will have the motivation to improve, work hard and struggle, and reach almost the same height in virtue and ability. This is easy to demonstrate. If everyone does their utmost, they can constantly improve, get closer, and end at the same level, the highest level. Therefore, only by continually improving ourselves through faith can we humans realize equality for all. In that case, we keep our nose to the grindstone in real life, keep industrious and frugal, and have high moral character. We do our best, carry out our duties, and are born to be useful. Isn’t this a society where individuals are equal? Unlike today, to achieve equality for all, society allows greed and corruption of human nature to spread, encourages laziness and backwardness, realizes equality by artificially creating inequality of opportunities, and suppresses progress and improvement. All these are actually foolish things, which can only lead to society’s overall corruption and collapse.
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Of course, to the Democrats, Biden, and Pelosi, I have never doubted their sinister intentions, purposes, and huge material interests behind their political correctness. I also think they have sinister intentions behind their policies toward the black. People who often contact blacks know that they have their own racial characteristics, and many people like to use genes to explain these characteristics of blacks. Still, I never use the concept of the gene because I doubt the theory that genes determine everything. In the eyes of Human beings, the universe is infinite, while the molecular world is infinitely small too. How do genes act on the human body? Especially on human consciousness, are genes the smallest human body composition? At present, it’s not very clear, and no one can deny the existence of this material, which is smaller than genes but determine human consciousness, such as brain waves, quantum waves, etc. These are too esoteric. I don’t want to go on. I want to say here that I don’t believe that the genes of the black determine their physical strength and intellectual weakness. This is what many people often talk about. I prefer to use the collective subconscious to explain the racial characteristics of blacks.
The collective subconscious is a notion put forward by the French writer Gustave Le Bon in his book “The Crowd: A Study of the Popular Mind”, It refers that each race has its own potential and common consciousness, knowledge, and behaviors, which will affect and determine the survival and development of the race. Whether they live in the African jungle or come to North America and the world, the black race still retains its wild nature. They have not formed a racial culture that can restrain themselves and improve the level of civilization. Basically, the collective subconscious of the black race is like playing, fighting, sporting, decline learning. They only care about giving birth and are careless about upbringing. Black families also have a high rate of divorce from their parents. Family life is also fragmented, Noisy, and chaotic. It is impossible to have a learning environment, let alone a quiet and warm family life, where three generations of Chinese learn and study together. From the comparison between this two collective subconsciousness, we know how the blacks can compare with the Chinese in the academic record!
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As long as we sincerely point out the collective subconscious shortcomings of the black, It can help and urge them to improve, form a better collective subconscious and promote the level of civilization of the whole race. It will be a good thing and a good Improving method. However, the black race has been completely kidnapped by the Democratic Party, which takes advantage of the blacks’ shortcomings and incites them to amplify their shortcomings. The Democratic party is like the Big Brother of the underworld to cultivate his younger brothers. In the beginning, Big Brother often gives younger brothers some money to eat, drink, whore, gamble, and have fun, letting them form the bad habit of getting money easily and spending like there’s no tomorrow. When the younger brothers are out of money, they have to ask Big Brother, then Big Brother requires them to do something before giving them money, manipulates them step by step, and finally makes them thugs. Moreover, the Democratic Party’s control of the blacks is far more shameless and disgusting than Big Brother of the underworld. They can even kneel to the blacks and incite them to launch the BLM to riot, attack, smash, rob, and harass their political opponent. Just look at the BLM movement; hundreds of thousands of people marched on the streets last year when the covid epidemic was at its worst. The Democrats completely ignored the blacks’ lives and fooled them into risking their lives to attack the Republican conservatives, disrupt society, and block Trump’s re-election.
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Some people say that when votes can be bought and sold, democracy is actually dead. It is obvious that both sides can raise prices and public bids. But this saying is not the present United States. Most Republicans are still Christians, maintain their faith and conscience, and are unlikely to do anything to buy the black’s vote. From here, you can understand why I always emphasize democracy is based on belief and faith. If the Republican Party lost faith, they would inevitably buy and sell the blacks. The two sides compete for their prices. In the end, they will accelerate the decline of the black race and speed up the death of democracy. So many real black elites are firmly standing on the side of the conservative and Trump camps. I know the famous black writers Owens and the sisters of Pearl and Ribbon. They are all strong supporters of conservatives and Trump. They are also distressed that the Democratic Party kidnapped the entire black race and encouraged their shortcomings. They also know the Democrats would destroy the black race, draw them into the evil, and be completely reduced. The black race would also become the cancer of society forever because The Democratic Party’s superficial care and preferential treatment of blacks can only make their shortcomings of racial identity more solidified, stubborn, and more difficult to eliminate.
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