"the course of Western Civilization"

the United States is the same as ancient Greece, The means of manipulating elections were nothing more than bribery and violence.

Greece, The means of manipulating elections were nothing more than bribery and violence.

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Yesterday Trump’s lawyer, Alice, tweeted several tweets, revealing that Republican National Committee Chairman McDaniel blocked her Twitter account because Alice exposed that the chairman deceived Trump, Giuliani, and herself. She disclosed that after November 3rd, the chairman told them that she would expel a lawyer from the Republican National Committee who did not defend Trump. In fact, she did not expel him. She herself did not actively support Trump’s allegations of election fraud. And the Republican National Committee received $200 million to support Trump’s allegations. It is still a confusing account of where it was spent. In fact, the Republican chairwoman has been accused of inaction since the 2020 election. That is, she did not respond positively to some illegal voting measures adopted by the Democratic Party in swing states six months to one year before the election. For example, the Democratic Party expanded the extent of using mailed ballots and distributed mailed ballots on a large scale without application, resulting in fraud that can easily harvest mailed ballots. Especially in Pennsylvania, where the governor bypassed Parliament and changed the election law by executive order. The Republican Party did not sue these illegal actions in time, or at least exposed them in time so that many people could have a clear awareness and jointly prevent election fraud.

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We can assume what would happen if the Republican chairman took some action. The United States was still free of the press. Perhaps the mainstream media would not report that, but through a few small conservative media and even Trump’s Twitter, the illegal activities could be exposed on a large scale. At the same time, an alarm can be sounded; if this continues, the Republican Party will lose the election due to fraud. At that time, Trump’s Twitter was still available. It could effectively prevent election fraud with 80 million fans and significant influence. If so, maybe the 2020 election would be another matter. However, the inaction of the Republican chairwoman was tantamount to acquiescence to Democratic illegal actions and giving up all country. At those time, people just thought that the chairman was incompetent and incapable, and no one thought she was a traitor. However, from the exposure of Alice, she is a traitor to the Republican Party and is another senior official who the Democratic Party bribed. Therefore, I have faint confidence in the democratic election system in the United States. As I emphasized in my book“the course of western civilization(essence version)”  “buy the book” and many articles, democracy is a matter of faith, a brotherly love between brothers, and the belief of all equal people under God. If these premises are lost, you cheat while I deceive in ordinary society, and all schemes and intrigues will be used to win the election. No matter how good the system design is, it can’t match the evil in the human heart. The evil of human nature, like poison, flows around everywhere. Anything that touches it will perish, not to mention the so-called system. No matter how good the system is, it’s just as much use as a chocolate fireguard in front of human nature.

When democracy is no longer a matter between brothers but different religious beliefs, it becomes a  conflict between theism and Christianity, just like the conflict between today’s Republican Party and the democratic party. In the face of enormous material interests, the democratic party represents theism, competes by hook or crook, has no bottom line, and can do anything they want. Republicans and Christians who still have a little faith are tied hand and foot and shrinking violet; They can only be beaten passively and vulnerable under attack. How can they match the Democratic Party? In human history, the democratic election system can not survive, and it was difficult to last for a long time. The democratic election system in ancient Greece had only a short golden time of 40 years and then fell into weakness and incompetence. In the later stage of ancient Greece, the Parliament of ancient Greece was collectively bought by Alexander the Great of Macedonia. Alexander the Great used various means to bribe; he gave dowries to the daughters of these parliamentarians, provided their sons business convenience, or sent them money directly. Anyway, these bribery methods have been the same old story for thousands of years. Therefore, the ancient Greek Parliament believed in Alexander’s sincerity for peace and used all the tax revenue for entertainment, such as drama and music, rather than the army and preparation for war.

 Welcome to https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BQF77K3D to buy the Kindle ebook “the course of western civilization(essence version)” 
At the same time, they acquiesced in Alexander’s annexation of its allies, so ancient Greece lost its last chance to unite its allies against Macedonia. When Alexander the Great annexed its allies one by one and directed his troops at Athens, ancient Greece only had the opportunity to surrender. This was the final fate of the Democratic electoral system of ancient Greece, advocated by many people. It is “bad money drives out good,” The actual fate of a fallen human nature. We can imagine that under the unified command of behind-the-scenes leaders such as Obama and Clinton, the Democratic Party paid bribes and fired sugar-coated shells at Republican senior officials. The wages of these Republican senior officials are not high. How can they withstand such attacks? How they surrender one after another! Like this Republican chairwoman, she did nothing about the Democratic Party’s earlier illegal actions, later defaulted their fraudulent behavior, admitted that they won the election, and did not support Trump’s accusations. If this continues, it will be that the Democratic Party will dominate and control American society. In the end, an oligarchy or even a dictatorship will appear. Isn’t the final destiny of the United States the same as that of ancient Greece?


Moreover, the Democratic Party uses not only sugar-coated bullets, such as bribery, but also wields violent means, combining the stick and the carrot. In fact, these have been very common in human history for thousands of years.


Thirty million of the 300 million people in the United States are black. The Democratic Party has at least 70 to 80% of the blacks’ support. Most blacks are poor in quality and live in slums. They have excellent physical fitness and exercise ability. We all know that blacks monopolize most sports in the United States. However, these are elites among them. Most blacks live on simple jobs such as manual work or hang out in the streets and make a living as petty thieves and thugs. I think most Chinese Americans have no objection to what I describe above because many Chinese have been robbed by the blacks in the United States. Of course, their requirements are not high. It will be no trouble if you give them the money in your wallet. Therefore, the blacks are easy to buy off. If you give them a little favor, they can work for you. Now the Democratic Party promotes the BLM, introduces various preferential policies for blacks, and even compensates blacks for being slaves. Is it true that the Democratic Party is so kind to blacks? I never think so. Most Democrats are atheists. What good can they have?

These Democrats own millions, tens of millions, or even hundreds of millions of dollars themselves, but how much can you compensate blacks? How much can 30 million black people get? what is the Democrats’ purpose? Their purpose is sneaky; It is that the blacks will die for them. They provoke blacks to launch demonstration after demonstration, smashing and looting against Christians and Republicans. These are living American realities. At present, the BLM is active again. The Democratic Party uses blacks to protest the strict election laws passed by the Republican-controlled states and attack the judges who undertake election fraud cases. Therefore, from the current situation, it can be concluded that the Democratic Party is making final preparations and is ready to utilize blacks to destroy Republicans and Christians in extreme cases completely.

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