"the course of Western Civilization"







共和党众议员Lauren Boebert更是指出,“拜登放开边境,让非法移民涌入,纵容犯罪,然后控枪,目的显然已经不是枪支,而是控制。”

其实Lauren Boebert已经说得非常清楚,民主党的目的就是控制,他们一方面放开边境,让大量非法移民涌入,却要限制美国人的持枪权,这明显是矛盾的做法。而且还准备通过所谓的人民选举法案,将最容易产生舞弊的邮寄选票合法化,并反对使用身份ID申请邮寄选票,这将使舞弊公开化,理由是可以让人们更加方便地投票,可是民主党却准备推行疫苗身份证,只有打了疫苗的证明才可以出行。大家可以清楚看到投票都可以为了方便不要身份ID,出行却还要附加个疫苗身份证,而且是在佛罗里达、德克萨斯等州已经完全放开经济,感染人数不断下降,经济蒸蒸日上的情况下这样做,这些做法是非常矛盾、冲突的。但所有一切都指向一个焦点,一个目标,就是控制美国人,这就是这届拜登、民主党政府的主要目的,也是幕后大佬推出拜登这位老年痴呆患者的主要原因,因为这些都是脏活,都是牺牲自己造福别人,没人愿意干,没人愿意在历史上被留下骂名,都等着下山摘胜利的果实。而拜登劣迹斑斑,浑身是屎,逃都逃不过,他只有去做这些脏活,去炸碉堡了,只有这样才可能不被这些幕后大佬抛弃。








当然这些大佬没那么傻,不会把这些真实目的说出来,不过纸包不住火,完全可能在他们隐隐约约的话语中透露出来,希拉里就无意中说出,“美国人是草民,是一些被统治者。” 扎克伯格在内部会议上也说过,他将控制全美的言论,推行他的思想,抵制美国的基督徒保守派。拜登也承认,他经常与奥巴马通电话,与他讨论治国大策。其实这些隐隐约约的内容与我上面谈到的完全相匹配,完全彰显幕后大佬的真实意图,也就是这些幕后大佬,全球大公司,大政治家的阴谋,统治全球,全人类。









Biden is just a puppet. Big guys behind the scene wrap him around their little finger, gun ban, open the border, all this direct to control the US, further control the world


Yesterday, Biden delivered a gun control speech, announcing that he would issue several more stringent background check acts to control guns more strictly. In his speech, he mentioned that there is no absolute correct amendment, which means that he will overthrow the second amendment by presidential decree. Looking at Biden’s strenuous action and painful expression on the TV screen, you can’t help feeling whether Alzheimer’s disease has this privilege? He can talk nonsense, run off his mouth, and have hollow words, empty talk. The second amendment was passed at the time of the country’s founding. Of course, it is not absolute. You can modify it, but you need the consent of 2 / 3 lawmakers of the Senate and House and 3 / 4 states, that is, 38 states, before you can repeal the amendment or formulate a new revision. Biden, the Democratic Party, obviously does not have such a public opinion foundation, and Biden does not mean that. He wants to challenge the second amendment through a presidential decree. This is very absurd. It is incomprehensible and unimaginable to say such words as an American president. As several popes in the 16th century, they became Pope by fraud, conspiracy, and behind-the-scenes deals. Definitely, Biden will leave a reputation in history. Only don’t know if it is good or bad.

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Congressman Jordan said, “Biden doesn’t want to protect the border and doesn’t allow us to protect our families with guns?”

Senator Cruz condemned, “legally owning guns is a constitutional right to protect ourselves. The current problem (referring to the rampant shooting) is not to restrict the rights of the second amendment, but to crack down on crime and crack down on crime.”

Republican congressman Lauren Boebert even pointed out, “Biden opened the border, let illegal immigrants flow in, connived at crime, and then controlled guns. Obviously, the purpose is not guns, but control.” 

In fact, Lauren Boebert has made it very clear that the purpose of the Democratic Party is to control. On the one hand, they open the border to welcome a large number of illegal immigrants, but they want to restrict Americans’ gun rights. This is obviously a contradictory practice. Moreover, they are trying to pass the so-called act for people to legalize mail-in votes that are most likely prone to fraud; they also oppose the use of identity ID to apply for mail-in votes. All that will make public fraud on the grounds that it can make it easier for people to vote. However, the Democratic Party is preparing to implement the vaccine ID card, and only the proof of vaccination can travel. You can clearly see that you can vote without an ID, but you have to attach a vaccine ID card for travel. Moreover, it is very contradictory to do so when Florida, Texas, and other states have completely opened their economy, the number of infected people is declining, and the economy is booming. But everything points to a focus and a goal, that is, to control Americans. This is the main purpose of this Biden and democratic government, and it is also the main reason the big man behind the scenes chooses Biden, an Alzheimer’s patient, as president because this is dirty work, which sacrifices himself to benefit others. No one is willing to do it, and no one is willing to be left notoriety behind in history. And everyone hopes to pick the fruits of victory. Biden has a lot of bad records, is notorious for his misdeeds, and is covered with shit. His name Is Mud; he can’t get away with it. He has to overtake these dirty jobs and blow up the bunker. Only in this way can’t he be abandoned by these big men behind the scenes.

We can assume such a scenario. One day, several big men behind the scenes sit together and talk about their ideals, overthrow God, overthrow the Bible, promote human nature, let humans become their own masters, let human nature glow brilliant, and let humans realize universal freedom, democracy, and equality. With deep discussion, everyone’s red blood is boiling with indignation; strong passion is flaring up in resentment,

 Of course, in my book, “the course of western civilization(essence version)”“buy the book” , I have repeatedly demonstrated that human nature is greedy and degenerate. Without the restriction of faith, humans can’t avoid falling into endless vanity, including the fancy of ruling the world, ruling the United States, and even becoming a new God to lead humans forward. This is actually what Hitler and Stalin thought, and these big men behind the scenes have unknowingly joined into this evil spirit. If you leave God and the Bible, you will inevitably fall into this evil spirit. They then deliberate about how to realize these ideals. Naturally, the simplest way is to control the United States. The United States has the most powerful force. The United States can counter the sum of the armies of other countries in the world One on One. The United States has the most potent scientific and technological strength and robust companies. Through these, they can promote their ideals around the world. But something annoys them seriously; the United States differs from other countries; that is, there are still a large number of Christians. These people are conservative, ignorant, stubborn as stones, and believe in God and the Bible, but they don’t trust the teachings of these human elites. But the Bible is just a fairy tale in the eyes of these big men behind the scenes. How possible can these human elites believe it? And even as the rule of life. So, first of all, they must destroy these Christians in the United States. What should they do?

These big men began to discuss the details. Naturally, the result is what we talked about above, opening the border and welcoming a great account of illegal immigrants. Most of these illegal immigrants come from countries with no faith or feeble faith. They are straightforward to accept their teachings and are grateful to these big men and thank them for giving them a new life. After these illegal immigrants crowd into the United States, they will change the population structure of the United States and make Christian conservatives in the United States a minority. This is the first and most critical step to destroying American Christians, conservatives, and Republicans. If this step is done, others will be easy. Then they are going to pass the act for people to expand the voting and let these illegal immigrants have the right to vote so that Christian conservatives can not be elected forever and Democrats on behalf of them can be in power forever. The following step is to control guns or even confiscate guns so that Christian conservatives can become lambs to be slaughtered at will. They have to accept the absolute rule of these big men behind the scenes, endless tax increases, printing money, and even war, and further control of the world. After combing this, we can clearly see that the ambition of these human elites is to control the United States, control the world completely? and it is steps and means.

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Of course, what I said above is the conversation of several people in private or small-scale meetings. It is absolutely impossible to say so in public. They will publicize it with more high-sounding reasons, more demagogic languages, more intense emotion, and deep passion. It is impossible to say the purpose of introducing illegal immigrants is to change the population structure, but illegal immigrants should greatly contribute to the United States. For the sake of humanity, especially for the suffering and tragedy of illegal immigrants in their home country. They should definitely be warmly welcomed to the United States and even let them live in hotels and settle on US military bases. Let them feel like a spring wind breezing and the greatness of freedom and equality.

These big men want to control guns. But, of course, they decline to claim that it is to limit Americans’ rights, especially Christians, which they employ to resist the government and tyranny. These big men only declare that it prevents the proliferation of guns and many shootings. But they don’t admit that they let so many illegal immigrants flow in; many of them are criminals and even terrorists. It is they who caused a lot of shootings. Republican commentators have long found that as long as the murderer of the shootings was illegal immigrants and Islam, the mainstream media immediately cut off television broadcast, including the killings of 10 people in Colorado a few days ago. Because the gunmen were Syrian refugees and Islamists, they immediately disappeared from mainstream media headlines on the second day.

Moreover, the Democratic Party even knelt to encourage BLM to smash, rob, burn down shops, push down statues, destroy public property, and hurt innocent Americans in order to boost violence and brew shootings. They don’t give an explanation about this. They have no sense of shame. They always only say high-sounding reasons and refuse to answer any real questions.

Of course, the Democratic Party has many supporters. In my personal judgment, it accounts for at least 40% of the total population of the United States. In addition to vested interests, most of them are white people who grew up in the ivory tower, which is commonly known as leftist(a silly white sweet). They grew up in the sweet environment of Christianity, and their life is full of benevolence, kindness, and love. They think these are natural human nature, They don’t know that this is an exceptional society, unique to the Christian world, and there are countless sins and evils in the world. Since childhood, they have been brainwashed that human nature is great, but when they are asked to sacrifice, they are too stingy to pull out a hair, tight as a drum. Their most hope is to scarify the others and achieve their reputation. Therefore, the education they receive is inherently full of evil, letting others suffer and gaining the reputation of kindness and love for themselves, which is their essence. Of course, I may be a little beat around the bush when I say this. If it’s popular, If it is layman’s words, it is to build your own reputation with other people’s money and use other people’s property to build a reputation for yourself! Think about it. Who did this? Who would do these things? Only small people do this, but unfortunately, there are too many such people in the United States.

Of course, these big men are not so stupid and won’t say these real purposes, but they cannot swathe flames in a paper, and it is a futile effort to stop scandal. They always revealed in their vague words. Hillary Clinton inadvertently said, “Americans are grass-roots people and some ruled people.” Zuckerberg also said at the internal conference that he would control the speech of the United States, promote his ideas, and resist Christian conservatives in the United States. Biden also admitted that he often talked with Obama on the phone to discuss the great policy governing the country. In fact, these vague contents fully match what I mentioned above and fully demonstrate the real intention of these big men behind the scenes: the conspiracy of these big global companies and big politicians hoping to rule the world and all humans.

Welcome to https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BQF77K3D to buy the Kindle ebook “the course of western civilization(essence version)” 

Here I will answer some questions incidentally. More than 200 large companies announced to boycott Georgia and conservatives after Georgia passed the bill to strictly manage elections and require an ID to apply for mailed ballots. Why do these big companies hate Republicans so much? Hate conservatives this much? Many people have such questions. I’ll answer them here and untie your heart knot. Let me first talk about my personal experience. I was also disgusted with the conservatism. I thought it was very antique, obsolete, and unsuitable for modern society. Of course, humans should pursue freedom and advancement. This is actually the view of many big companies and their employees on conservatives, Christians, and Republicans, let alone their own vital interests, sales volume, salary, bonus, etc. Therefore, it answers the reasons why big companies and their employees oppose Christian conservatives. Christians pursue a normal life, work hard and thrifty, go to church every week, listen to scriptures and do good deeds. The doctrine has never encouraged luxury consumption or even additional consumption. Do you think these big companies will like Christians and Republicans? Absolutely impossible. In real life, their marketing strategy is completely another thing. They can make profits only if you consume. Consumer advertising us an impact every day. We all know that they encourage drinking alcohol, quaffing coke, flying in and out, even crazy metamorphosis, taking drugs, and so on.

You may think I’m far-fetched, but I have expounded much conclusive rational evidence in human history in“the course of western civilization(essence version)”“buy the book”The law of human history is the same. Christians are always hated because it always hampers the interests of many people. If everyone lives like Christian propaganda, a life of harmony, and tranquility, even extreme, like the Amish, do not want mobile games, how can these big technology companies survive? This is the contradiction between big technology companies and conservative Christians. Their ideas are completely different. One is to advocate the complete release of their human nature and enjoy life, and the other is to restrain their human nature and derive pleasure from a peaceful and harmonious life. How to balance the two? Maybe the Amish are a little extreme. They should not deny all scientific and technological products, But big technology companies should also reflect on what they have brought to humans? Is it just swiping your mobile phone and messy content? In fact, I seldom watch and swipe my mobile phone in my personal life. I think these are really meaningless. The most important thing to improve my life is to contact many people, accept the love of others, and then care for others. in mutual love, we spend our short life of coming to the earth to redeem sin and atone for sins.


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未经允许不得转载:the course of Western Civilization » 拜登只是幕后大佬的个傀儡,他们想成为人类新上帝,他们通过拜登禁枪,引进非常移民,进而完全控制美国,全世界(中英文版)


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