"the course of Western Civilization"





经过一个月的颠簸运送,《西方文明的历程》《简介》《作者简介》一书无论是简体版还是繁体版,在亚马逊上的卖家商城已经全部有货了,可以完全购买了,真没想到这个过程这么艰辛,希望大家踊跃前往购买,需要简体中文版的朋友可以点击https://www.amazon.com/dp/1734417633 这个链接,需要购买繁体中文版的朋友可以点击https://www.amazon.com/dp/1734417609这个链接。出版社是亚马逊美国商家,最适宜的购买对象是美国的朋友,由于境外的简体中文根本过不了海关,所以国内的朋友千万不要前往购买,否则只是浪费金钱而已,出版社网站https://readjoys.com/还有剩余一些校对书稿用来众筹交换,可以满足一些国内朋友的要求,大家可以往出版社网站看看,或者与作者本人联系。


这段时间一直在翻译我的《西方文明的历程》《简介》《作者简介》一书的英文精华版,总共有四十万字左右吧,原本想赶在一个月之内出版,可是正如我们熟知的,理想很丰满,现实却很骨感,原本想每天校对1万字左右,可实际上只能校对6000字,实在遗憾。当然一个主要原因是想通过这次校对把英语所有的疑难点再重新琢磨一篇,为以全新面貌翻译下面80万字文章做准备。这是一件很挑战自我的事,也是检验我一年以来翻译水平,或者说总结十几年来英语学习的一个难得机会,所以我尽量放慢校对速度,希望首先为大家奉献上完美的精华版翻译,也让大家知晓中国人英语能达到的尽可能高度。我一直相信很多年看过的一句话,中国人英语水平的上限其实也就是自己的汉语水平,这其实也是我一直创作五言七言诗的根本原因。很多人问我,“你又不是所谓的诗人,你应该算作一个历史学者,或者一位思想者,作家,写这些古诗干么?” 。其实原因就是我相信母语决定于了我的英语水平,所以想攀登中国文化的最高峰,五言七言诗,极力提高自己的中文水平,同时为自己能够达到英语的最高峰而努力。其实我们人类的感情是相通的,表达的方式也相似,只是一些表面上的文字符号不同而已,你如果知道如何用母语表达自己的感情?也必然知道如何用英语表达,这也是我的切身体会,所以中国人的英语上限就是我们的汉语水平,这句话是完全正确的,当然其中必然有无数艰苦的努力,二者表面上还是有很大不同的。同时通过对英语的理解,我知道中国传统的5言7言诗及宋词是中国文化最珍贵、最瑰宝所在,绝不可能轻言放弃,而去提倡所谓的新诗。我作为一个中国人,或者说想传承中国文化的人,对胡适这一代开启的所谓新文化运动、新诗极端反感,我认为正是这代知识分子的不学无术,滥竽充数,在历史的紧要关头没有承担起知识分子应有的责任,没有看到社会发展的本质,才造成了民族无数的灾难,我至今对54这代大师没有任何好感。我实在不知他们有什么拿得出手的学术成就、经典著作,对了,除了我老乡许地山的《中国道教史》。




追求上帝真理之路漫长而坎坷,任道而重远,不是我一个人可以完成的,上帝也不可能这么安排,无论如何都需要大家的鼎力支持。虽然我无怨无悔,知道上帝已经给了我一切,在战斗中的快乐,圣灵充满的感觉,无限美好的诗与远方,希望与未来,但是在追求上帝真理的路上,确实有太多的坎坷曲折,误解歪曲,甚至莫名其妙的咒骂,所以还是希望大家尽量的支持,让我尽快完成这本书的全部翻译,尽量为美国社会,这个人类社会的龙头重回基督教怀抱贡献一些力量,尽可能让它重回桃花源般的盛世,重回美好的一男一女的甜美爱情,一男一女的美好婚姻,温馨美满的幸福家庭,父慈子孝,尊老爱幼,这些人类最本质的生活,我想这才是人类的真正生活,这也是上帝给我的启示。当然这也将促使我们中国人来到真正的人类社会,而不是人云亦云的荒唐噫语。今天开始我尽量将我校对完 的一些出版社允许的中英文书稿在公众号发表,作为预热推销之用,也希望大家广泛推广传播本书的中文版,特别是英文版。






























The fatal defect of secular moral philosophy


Why can’t human moral philosophy become the main pillar of moral civilization? It is not only because Christian morality resolves the contradiction between human selfishness and human virtue, nor because Christian morality has the characteristics of absolute truth and absolute command, but also because of the defects of secular moral philosophy. From browsing human moral philosophy in Chapter 2, we can see that moral philosophy is only knowledge and theory. There are countless philosophers and philosophical schools in human beings that always criticize and deny each other, and their theories have fatal defects and can not be perfect. Therefore, which philosophy should we follow as the truth? Which school is the code of ethics? Moreover, can we know what morality is without studying all moral philosophies? However, Hegel has dozens of monographs, voluminous and magnificent, which are obscure, abstruse, and esoteric. Few people have read these works except experts who study Hegel. Moreover, even experts’ interpretation of Hegel is very different. Who shall prevail? One Hegel spent their whole life unable to clarify, let alone clarify all philosophers, so it is impossible to take moral philosophy as the human moral criterion.


Some people may say that there are various philosophers and philosophical schools in western society, but hundreds of schools were deposed in ancient Chinese society, and Confucianism was respected as the only morality. Can Confucianism become an irrefutable absolute truth and moral code? This opinion is correct at first glance because Confucianism is pervasive in ancient Chinese society. Its moral code is similar to the Bible, impeccable, detailed, and easy to observe and implement. However, Confucianism is not a religion because Confucianism only talks about worldly life regardless of death, “respect ghosts and gods and stay away”, and “unknowing life, how to know death”, so it is not a belief system. However, if morality is not for faith, immortality, and eternity, or to enter heaven and the ultimate world, why should we sacrifice our material interests and even life to pursue it? Confucianism does have many moral concepts, such as wisdom, benevolence, faith, courage, and righteousness, but they are only some virtues and empty concepts that remain in people’s hearts and subconscious. Schopenhauer sharply pointed out that virtue is the suppression of the will to life and the action of self-sacrifice. Under normal circumstances, people have no motivation to pursue virtue. Therefore, Confucianism is just a door opener to win fame and wealth and a tool to seek benefits. It is also what people often say, “there is a beauty like jade in the book, and there is a golden house among the book”. Since it is a door opener, it will be thrown away when used up. Since it is a tool, people could not practice it. Therefore, Confucianism has never been a practice system that must be exercised, and it is difficult to become a moral code. Confucianism is often associated with hypocrites. They pursue virtue at the expense of temporary interests only to obtain greater honor and wealth.


For example, Yue buqun , in jin yong’s book ” Xiaoao Jianghu”, bore with anything everywhere and paid his respects to everyone. His talk was full of benevolence, righteousness, and morality, but he was mean and had no sense of shame by stealth. He castrated himself to practice the sword. Everything he does is to stand out among the heroes, roaring into the sky. Therefore, Yue buqun is also regarded as a hypocrite and a typical Confucian figure. ① It is rarely heard in human history that people go to Jihad for a theory or die for knowledge. Even if there are a few sporadically, they are considered old-fashioned people who are pedantic. It is impossible to have large-scale Jihad and martyrdom like in religion. As we talk and talk, we inadvertently reveal the essence of Confucian society and the reasons for hypocrisy. Confucianism is not a belief but a theory. It’s just a door opener or a tool to obtain fame and wealth. The purpose of people’s following it is “beauty like jade” and “Golden House,” not for exercise and practice morality. Therefore, even if Confucianism is respected alone, it is impossible to make Confucianism a moral code, bringing evil consequences of social hypocrisy.


The real moral code of ancient Chinese society is another: Mr. Wu Si’s hidden rules, bribery culture, blood money law, ② the word ” brazen and black ” in Mr. Li Zhonghou’s ” brazen black study.” And those who attain great things need to be brazen-faced, black heart, etc. ③ these are the real moral philosophy popular in ancient Chinese society. To sum up, those men behind the high sounding behave like robbers and women like prostitutes, a rotten interior beneath a refined exterior; not everything that looks precious turns out to be so. They talk the talk, walk the walk, they say one thing but do quite another.


Lu Xun wrote, “I opened the history and found that there was no age in it. ” benevolence, righteousness, and morality “were written on every page.”

“I couldn’t sleep, toss and turn. However, after looking carefully at these words finally in the dead of night, I saw that the whole book was written the words ” eat people “.

Although Lu Xun had countless faults, I still respected him very much; he spoke out about the real morality of secular society.

At this point, I have to talk about the “luozhi Sutra”. Now it is considered a confession of cruel officials, a villain’s Sutra, and a book of framing crimes, but I think it is a unique book for thousands of years, comparable to Machiavelli’s “The Prince”. It directly confesses the human heart is sinister, and officialdom is dangerous. Bai Yang, a famous scholar in Modern Taiwan, ④ also commented on the “Zizhi Tongjian”: “the Wuzhou Dynasty has appeared in history for just 16 years, and its greatest contribution to human culture is the “luozhi Sutra”!”.

In order to better evaluate this book, let’s take a look at some paragraphs in the “luozhi Sutra”.

“Many people’s emotions are fake, and many customs are hypocritical. How can we believe it? Confucius said, ” Zuo Qiuming thinks it is shameful, sweet talks honey words, kind and pleasant countenances and the utmost deference, and I think so.” What’s shameful is that they have resentment toward you in their hearts, but on the face, but they friend you.

“If a man has something he desires, use them to lure him; no one can’t be subdued. If a man has something to fear, coerces him with it, nothing that he can’t accept. A man has talent and can employ. If he has no great harm, you should secretly tolerate it. If a man can’t be tamed and is excellent, you should kill him. Don’t be stingy with rewards that destroy man’s will. Punishment should be appropriate in time so that others can be warned. Grace and intimidation work together, and ability and character act in concert. If this has not produced an effect, is it God’s will?”

“Subordinates rely on their superiors to achieve their ambitions, and the superiors depend on their subordinates to get fame. Subordinates are greedy, too; they naturally ask for a promotion. However,they should be promoted slowly. If too soon, they will be satisfied. If the boss expected to use the subordinates, he should be kind and polite to them. If he denies doing it, no one will help him.”







Seeing these, I can only kneel at its feet. Isn’t this an accurate portrayal of today’s workplace officialdom? Can’t everything in today’s workplace officialdom be found in the “luozhi Sutra”? After more than 1000 years, we still follow through with the “luozhi Sutra” trickery book. I just excerpted a few sentences casually, and there are many such wonderful contents. The whole bag of tricks and worldly wisdom is written in Almost every word and sentence of the “luozhi Sutra”. Of course, these can never be heard on high-sounding occasions. They can only be heard in private rooms and on the pillows of husband and wife. The “luozhi Sutra” is a work of Empress Wu of the Tang Dynasty. Before the “luozhi Sutra,” Legalists and military strategists also scattered these tricks and deceits, but there is no doubt that the “luozhi Sutra” is so systematic and thorough, and I believe it is also the hidden rules of officialdom in previous dynasties before the Tang Dynasty. It was just that Lai Junchen compiled them into a book. This kind of book is useless for us ordinary people who live a plain life.


Moreover, although the patriarch had great power in ancient Chinese society, his actual interests were not enormous. There was no need to use such “luozhi Sutra” because it was too vicious. In the Tang Dynasty, it was said that the “luozhi Sutra” only Tien Si, the presented scholars, could read it. Only in bureaucrats can these scholar-bureaucrats who have read all the books of Confucian sages can use it because officialdom is like a battlefield. The senior official can crush countless people and bring countless vanity and interests so that any means can be used. The “luozhi Sutra” also truly reflects the ancient Chinese society and the essence of Chinese Confucianism, which is extremely hypocritical, cruel, and ruthless. I don’t have any records that later scholar-bureaucrats must read the Luo Zhi Jing. Still, in terms of the social situation I have come into contact with, I can confirm that the Luo Zhi Jing is the real moral philosophy of ancient Chinese society. It is unfair to pin the hypocrisy and cruelty in the bones of ancient Chinese society on Lai Junchen alone. Lai Junchen alonely could not bear the evil of ancient Chinese society. It can only be said that this is the inevitable result of a society without faith and the inevitable trend of secular moral philosophy. I think Lai Junchen has been stigmatized countless times. The reason may be that he tore off the mask of Confucian sanctity and completely exposed the essence of Confucian hypocrites. In fact, Lai Junchen should be sincere and frank compared with others. At least he summarized these hidden rules into a book to inform the world and warn future generations. Unlike Zeng Guofan, he only circulated them in the family in the form of family letters, and his intention was more sinister.








Many people lament that the premature demise of Chinese Mohism is a pity for Chinese society. Mohism stresses universal love and believes that we should love everyone in the world equally, fraternity, and everyone equal. Universal love is a beautiful idea, as great as Christianity’s equality under God. Moreover, Mohism also emphasizes practice and technology. It can be said that Mohism is a theory of the ideal moral, which is better than Christianity, but why did it die out? Scholars have different views, and the reasons are very different. Some say it is premature; others say it stresses superstition, believes in heaven, emphasizes ghosts and gods, etc. However, I think the main reason is that Mohism is not a religion but a theory and knowledge. And many people just talk about it. How many people practice it is another matter. Even initially, Mozi, Giants, and other great masters who had faith and aspirations practiced it, but no one continued after encountering setbacks and failures. Religion is different. Religion is faith, pursuing where life comes from and where death goes. It believes humans can come to the immortal and eternal ultimate world, encourages missionaries, and emboldens martyrdom. Therefore, in the face of setbacks, failures, and even death, countless people fear nothing, advance wave upon wave.


As a doctrine full of ideals comparable to Christianity, Mohism is utterly inconsistent with secular experience, life practice, and hidden rules. Mencius attacked Mozi and said: “Yang Zhu, for themselves, there is no monarch in their eyes. There is no father in Mozi’s universal love. Without monarch and father, they seem to be animals?” (2 Mencius Teng Wengong). Mencius’ views are very representative. Mohism runs counter to the secular society and hidden rules. That’s the reason why it is difficult to persist without relying on religion and as a belief, and the secular wave must swallow it up. This is what I have always emphasized; real civilization can only exist, persist, and last forever invincibly by relying on faith.

This is the reason although Nietzsche and Sartre’s theories have far-reaching influence, human society has not collapsed yet. Because they are just secular theories, few people practice their ideas. Human society mainly depends on religious beliefs, and most people pursue the morality attached to religion. However, human society will inevitably be corroded and corrupted under the erosion of these theories year in and year out. Looking at today’s western society, we can see that all kinds of ugly phenomena rampage, and it is no longer a pure Christian society at all. I want to remind everyone that the theories of Nietzsche, Sartre, and others encourage people to vent their desires and indulge in orgy, while Confucianism is a morality that requires people to suppress their desires. Therefore, Confucianism has less influence on society than Nietzsche, Sartre, and others. Personally, I also believe that after the collapse of Western society, it should first pursue the “Luo Zhi Jing” ‘s hidden rules because these are the real moral philosophy without faith in secular society. With the character of Westerners, it is entirely possible to put the hidden rules of the “Luo Zhi Jing” on the table and publicly advocate them.









未经允许不得转载:the course of Western Civilization » 世俗道德哲学特别是儒家,有着致命的缺点,不足以撑起人类道德的天空(中英文版)

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