"the course of Western Civilization"

The government must not enforce charity and welfare. If this is the case, it will only lead to tyranny and lazy recipients. Charity and welfare should be carried out by the traditional church through the principle of voluntary fundraising so as to make a virtuous circle of society.

the case, it will only lead to tyranny and lazy recipients. Charity and welfare should be carried out by the traditional church through the principle of voluntary fundraising so as to make a virtuous circle of society.

This article uses the thoughts of “the course of western civilization(essence version)”“buy the book” “buy the Kindle ebook” as the basis of the argument. The book has demonstrated these thoughts detailedly. Welcome to buy and read it to confirm that the article’s views are believable and reliable.

Whenever I write about condemning the democratic government for throwing money into providing generous welfare and benevolence to the people at the bottom, some netizens criticize me for not being benevolent. What a great and philanthropic cause the Democratic Party is doing, and it is the cause of diffusing love to the world, but I condemn it rashly. They reprehend me really like a cold-blooded animal with no sympathy. They accuse me of being insensitive to the lower people and indifferent to their suffering. At this time, I have to write another article to explain my views.
In fact, if you think so, you will greatly misunderstand what I mean. In the book “the course of western civilization(essence version)”“buy the book” buy the Kindle ebook, I have demonstrated my views in detail. I think humans have duality, material and spiritual, spirit and flesh. Therefore, human life includes two aspects: secular life and spiritual life. Secular life is to find food, water, and a house sheltering from the wind and rain. These are the basic material life to maintain the existence of our organism. But, of course, these material lives can also bring us sensual pleasure and enjoyment. Therefore, we not only pursue basic food to meet our survival, but We also go after delicious food, from which we get the pleasure of color, smell, and taste. We strive for not only a simple house but also a comfortable and elegant living environment and a luxury villa. Moreover, our pursuit of material pleasures is endless, and the highest level is the imperial level of enjoyment, such as every night of revelry, delicacies from land and sea, and so on. In fact, the pursuit of imperial pleasure is deep in the hearts of all of us. Nowadays, advertisements are full of Royal meals, royal tributes, etc., which proves that we are all pursuing these pleasures.

Welcome to https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BVCMMX7T(book),https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BQF77K3D(Kindle ebook), to buy “the course of western civilization(essence version)”

Both the poor and the rich run after wealth and pleasure. The reason why the poor are not so obvious is because of the conditions. From the perspective of human nature, the poor and the rich are the same, and both are greedy and degenerate. Therefore, the care for the poor should not only be material but also spiritual. It is absolutely wrong to only provide them with material needs and pleasure. At the same time, we humans also chase a spiritual life. In churches and temples, we feel the loftiness, greatness, peace, and happiness of life, and only by sacrificing material pleasure can we obtain this spiritual enjoyment. Therefore, spiritual life and secular life are contradictory and antagonistic. One pursues wealth and pleasure, the other goes after glory and greatness, one pursues sensual stimulation, and the other goes after peace and happiness. Obviously, few people will sacrifice their wealth and give up material pleasure. Only those who truly believe in religion may voluntarily abandon them. This is entirely voluntary because, in their eyes, spiritual enjoyment is the greatest enjoyment of life, and they are willing to pay all the costs for it. In addition to the greatness of God, the spiritual enjoyment that most of us can enjoy is also the result of the church pastors’ hard work in the spiritual field. They first sacrifice their wealth and pleasure, are willing to live a simple life with a low income and take this as an example to preach tirelessly. However, although spiritual life and material life are opposed to each other, they can also promote and help each other. This is a huge topic. I won’t talk about it here. friends Interested can read my “the course of western civilization(essence version)”“buy the book” buy the Kindle ebook, which has a detailed discussion.

From the above discussions combined with our actual life, we should be very clear that each of us is pursuing wealth, enjoyment, and pleasure in the secular life. This is not to be blamed. It is the main content of our secular life. However, A gentleman makes money in the right way. We must follow the basic moral principles: many human traditions shared by the East and the West in the Bible and the Tao Te Ching. We get rich with hard work and get more with more industry, We must be diligent and thrifty in running the family, and we must never grow rich by robbing, seizing, and stealing others’ property. But now, there are many hypocritical democratic politicians who want to replace the Bible, the Tao Te Ching, and God. The so-called politicians seem to have a greater mind than God. They advocate that society should vigorously and unconditionally care for the people at the bottom. They even collect taxes from the middle class by force and violence or print money to provide welfare to the people at the bottom so as to express their so-called great kindness and fraternity. Are they right in doing so? Is it feasible?

Welcome to https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BVCMMX7T(book),https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BQF77K3D(Kindle ebook), to buy “the course of western civilization(essence version)”

Compared with the Christian Church, it can be seen that their behavior is completely illegal and unlawful because one is based on the principle of voluntariness, and the other is mandatory, which violates our traditional morality that we can not seize our neighbors’ property. What I denounce is the democratic government’s behavior of forced charity and welfare. Their behavior is actually robbing in the name of the nation and sharing the stolen goods by the name of the people; democratic politicians stand on the commanding height of morality, stealing the property of the middle class under the aegis of morality, disguising themselves as greater and kinder than God. In fact, in secular life, the world is bustling, all for profit, and humankind is hustling, all for interest. Everyone is pursuing wealth, enjoyment, and pleasure. Don’t these politicians care about wealth? In fact, They are even more greedy for wealth and pleasure than anyone else. They are not only too stingy to pull out a hair but also get huge kickbacks from government actions. The most obvious example is that Biden has grown from a poor man to tens of millions of assets, and Obama has grown from a penniless man to a fortune of hundreds of millions. So from any stance, aren’t these compulsory charitable welfare acts of the democratic government no more than banditry? Isn’t it reprehensible?
In fact, charity is the symbol of Christianity. For more than 2000 years, Christianity has done the best in charity among the major religions of humans. Before the modern government, the charity of Christianity had given the people at the bottom more care than American society. Nursing homes, nurseries, orphanages, free medicine, and food everywhere enabled Western Christian society to pass through extreme material scarcity in the middle ages smoothly. In the middle ages, there was never a peasant uprising in Western society, who had no way out. The Christian Church’s contribution cannot be left unrecognized, and its contribution was far more significant than that of the current American government. Moreover, the welfare and charity provided by them are far more plentiful and of higher quality than the current US government. We know that the pastors of the church at that time were all people who sacrificed their wealth and enjoyment. They were willing to live a plain life. Any reasonable person can feel that they are far more reliable and credible than these American politicians. Any middle class is willing to donate their wealth to them instead of these American politicians.

Welcome to https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BVCMMX7T(book),https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BQF77K3D(Kindle ebook), to buy “the course of western civilization(essence version)”

Moreover, donating to these church pastors can also provide spiritual enjoyment, such as loftiness, greatness, peace, happiness, etc., which can never be felt through American politicians who force donations. At the same time, the church can let donors know that this wealth is the sacrifice of brothers and sisters, the love of God, and the result of faith. They may feel love and accept faith. When they have the ability, they will also donate their wealth to repay society. This is the virtuous circle of charity and true charity. These are things that American politicians can’t do through the government’s compulsory welfare and mandatory donations. Their practice can only make these Democratic supporters and long-term welfare recipients think that society owes them. They deserve this welfare, and there is no need to repay the society, or even make more demands. Of course, a short article can not fully express my views. Interested friends can read my book “the course of western civilization(essence version)”“buy the book” buy the Kindle ebook, which has detailed argumentation on these issues.



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未经允许不得转载:the course of Western Civilization » The government must not enforce charity and welfare. If this is the case, it will only lead to tyranny and lazy recipients. Charity and welfare should be carried out by the traditional church through the principle of voluntary fundraising so as to make a virtuous circle of society.

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