昨天的文章发出后反响挺热烈的,一些朋友给予热情的赞扬,表示支持作者的观点,同时也有一些朋友质疑道,“您这些观点不就是反对社会的福利事业,反对公平正义,反对仁慈、博爱吗?不就是反对政府对贫富悬殊等不公平现象进行纠正吗?鼓励赤裸裸的剥削,鼓励社会的两极分化吗?” 其实这也是我希望大家阅读《西方文明的历程》《简介》《作者简介》整本书的原因,只有这样才可以理解作者的整体思想,而不是断章取义。我从来没有反对过仁慈博爱,公平正义,而是希望我们有真正的仁慈博爱,公平正义,不会被桑德斯这样的野心家、独夫名贼所利用。桑德斯这种大政府,高税收,政府掌握一切的模式,哈耶克早就论证了,而且被很多实践证实过了,是条通往奴役之路,由于高税收使政府掌握了庞大的社会财富,甚至可以说掌握了社会主要财富,于是政府,也就是桑德斯口口声声代表人民的组织,掌控了社会的一切,包括我们每个人的权利,于是,桑德斯这样的政府实际上就是奴隶主,一般百姓丧失所有的权利,实际是彻底沦为奴隶。

“ 其实我说的这些作为几十年参议员,应该可以算作政治家的桑德斯,不可能不清楚,主要原因的是大政府,全民医保,民主社会主义理念是他可以击败川普的唯一武器,不鼓吹都不行。”
After yesterday’s article was published, the response was very enthusiastic. Some friends gave warm praise and expressed their support for the author’s views. At the same time,
some friends questioned, “are your views against social welfare, fairness, justice, kindness, and fraternity? Are they not against the government’s correction of unfair phenomena such as the gap between the rich and the poor? Encourage naked exploitation and encourage social polarization?” In fact, this is the reason why I hope you can read the whole book “the course of western civilization(essence version)” “buy the book”. Only in this way can you understand the overall thinking of the author rather than taking it out of context. I have never opposed benevolence, fraternity, fairness, and justice. Instead, I hope we will have real benevolence, fraternity, fairness, and justice and will not be used by ambitious careerists like sanders and famous thieves. Hayek has long demonstrated that Sanders is a model of big government, high taxes, and the government controlling everything, which many practices have proved. It is a road to slavery. Because high taxes enable the government to control huge social wealth, even the main wealth of society, the government, that is, the organization that Sanders keeps on representing the people, controls everything in society, including the rights of every one of us, In fact, a government like Sanders is an enslaver, and ordinary people lose all their rights; they are complete enslaved people.
Therefore, I have always thought that Sanders is a great thief. He takes advantage of the weakness of human nature to let people transfer all power to the government. Then Sanders is the president and the enslaver. Someone asked Sanders how he could have so much energy alone. Mosca’s main idea in his book “the ruling class” is how to control the whole society. When 500 people are organized, they can control the society of tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of people, not to mention the whole organized American bureaucracy. This organization will follow the principle of sharing interests and distributing interests level by level. It can well manage and control society. This is Sanders’ real purpose. Today, I elaborate on my views here that I advocate real benevolence, fraternity, fairness, and justice, oppose the government’s implementation of welfare and charity through compulsory taxation and violent taxation, and support abolishing the monopoly of government on universal medical insurance and other philanthropy, and let the Christian Church, Buddhist Church or some other non-governmental charitable organizations raise funds on a voluntary basis. Therefore, we can carry out real welfare and charity through competition, perform real universal medical insurance, and exempt university loans as far as we can. It is not the instigation and incitement to seize power. Only in the competition, which I have always emphasized, can we ensure that resources are not wasted and that we can ensure real benevolence, fraternity, fairness, and justice.
Here are two other reasons why I oppose Sanders’ views.
My second reason against Sanders is that charities and philanthropy are from Christianity, which is an embodiment of the Christian doctrine. The rich should be kind, and the poor should be tolerant. The Christian Church encourages the donation of wealth and considers that donation is a shortcut to heaven. Therefore, it is natural for the Christian Church to undertake charities. Moreover, I personally understand that it is a real charity. In particular, the wealth I have Penny and penny laid up is my heart and soul, treasured possession; donating them is only based on true faith in the Bible and God. The tradition of fundraising and charity in Christianity is also very beneficial to Christianity itself. It lets people know that the true faith is to cut off and give up their own flesh and soul, that is, to sacrifice, rather than empty rhetoric on the moral high ground. True faith requires sacrifice, whether material or spiritual. Moreover, the charity of the Christian Church is also beneficial to the poor. It can also strengthen the Christian faith, letting them know that the money is donated by brothers and sisters who believe in God, full of brotherly love and great sacrifice; It was also hoped that they could do so after they get money. At least they should be rich through hard work and not be poor because of laziness.
More importantly, we can see that the charity of Christianity is on the basis of voluntariness. In the 2000 years of the history of Christianity, there have never been mandatory donations from the moral high ground. There has never been forced taxation because anything that is not voluntary but forced is very dangerous. It is easy to be used by careerists and demagogues like Sanders, violating the teachings of the Bible and coveting the property of neighbors. Moreover, at this time, they directly robbed and occupied. They robbed in the name of the people and occupied in the name of acting on behalf of heaven. This is the second reason why I oppose Sanders. “
Many friends questioned me, saying that a country that implements universal medical insurance and enjoys high welfare from birth to death, like northern Europe and Taiwan, isn’t a very happy and beautiful life! Is this the goal we pursue? Why do I always oppose it? Do I advocate exploitation, pursue the disparity between the rich and the poor, and hope that a society in which people eat people? If you understand this, you definitely misunderstand my meaning. Therefore, I will focus on explaining it today. This is also the third reason why I oppose Sanders.
Obviously, I have never opposed this kind of happy life, and I do my best to pursue this ideal. I just doubt whether this kind of happy life in northern Europe and Taiwan can be sustained, especially in the United States, a country with a large population, complex beliefs, and multi-ethnic groups. Yesterday, the rightist media revealed that Sanders’ ideal is what I call the democratic socialist model. Its model country is Sweden, and other Nordic countries, which arrange your life well from the cradle to the grave, but the tax is extremely high; the personal income tax is as high as 65%, and the consumption tax is 25%. Moreover, as a small country with a population of several million, Sweden has a single race, similar beliefs, and a Protestant tradition of hundreds of years. Protestantism stresses bounden duty, dedication, and hard work. No matter what, it has influenced the Swedes for hundreds of years. The Swedes should think twice before they want to be lazy. Therefore, I think Sweden is not the template of a big country. The United States is a large country with a population of 300 million and a lot of new immigrants; they are multi-ethnic and have complex beliefs. It is indeed a considerable risk to perform the Swedish Democratic Socialist Model in such a country. Other countries, such as Canada and France, which are larger than Sweden and implement universal medical insurance, have not achieved satisfactory results. The reason is that although they are nominally universal medical insurance, they have limited resources and can only allow people to make appointments and queue up. However, the time is very long. For example, in Canada, it is said that people have died of illness and have not made an appointment. Venezuela, let alone Venezuela, is a good example of bad experiences in recent years.
In fact, Sanders, who has been a senator for several decades and can be regarded as a politician, can’t be unclear. The main reason is that the big government, universal health care, and democratic socialist concept are the only weapons he can defeat Trump. He can’t do anything without advocating.