"the course of Western Civilization"






正在為川普感到鬱悶的時候,在網上看到一篇Charlie Kirk採訪加州一位教會牧師的文章,牧師介紹他的教會如何利用郵寄選票收割幫助共和黨眾議員候選人贏得勝利, Charlie Kirk很受啟發,誓言要汲取他們的經驗,建立一個橫跨美國的合法的郵寄選票收割體系徹底打敗民主黨。Charlie Kirk是青年基督教組織青年川普的創始人,一位社會活動家,他常年在美國各地演講,組織各種活動,在年輕人中普及基督教等保守思想,他沒有競選眾議員這類的參政活動,但實際影響力比一般議員來得大。其實這位牧師的經驗之談與我前天介紹的加州競選成功的共和黨女眾議員的經驗類似,就是充分利用教會,因為絕大多數保守派都是基督徒,可以說都是虔誠的基督徒,他們每個星期都有聚會,這是共和黨的巨大優勢。女眾議員通過與教會中的兄弟姐妹談心交流,說服讓他們讓她作為代表統一投票,因為她絕對可以代表他們的意願。

而這位牧師的做法是在教堂的門口放上一個選票箱,讓教會成員每個人申請郵寄選票,然後投入選票箱中,由共和黨候選人統一填寫,統一投票。這就是我們常聽說的郵寄選票收割,其實我也對什麼是郵寄選票很含糊,通過這兩個實例我們可以很清楚了,所謂的郵寄選票收割就是發動自己的親戚朋友,所有可能認識的人申請郵寄選票,然後代他們填寫選票並投票。共和黨人大多數是基督徒,所以比較誠實,而且從他們介紹的經驗來看,這些被代表者都是真心相信共和黨候選人,真心願意被他們代表。美國的基督徒仍然占人口的65%左右,教堂遍佈每一個角落,在教會中大家以兄弟姐妹相稱,關係非常融洽友好,親密無間,共和黨這個優勢是民主黨人根本無法比擬的,所以Charlie Kirk有信心在兩年內通過教會系統,建立一個橫跨全國的,合法的郵寄收割體系徹底打敗民主黨。


我還打開了Lee Zeldin的推特,他是本次中期選舉紐約州長的候選人,雖然敗選了,但是在他的領導下紐約共和黨人在深藍的紐約市翻轉了四席眾議院席位,如果沒有這四席翻轉,共和黨可能都控制不了眾議院,所以Lee Zeldin是本次中期選舉共和黨的恩人,最大的功臣。他最新的推文是,選舉浪潮不是想像在大船上碧波斬浪,而是做好每一件事,每天都盡自己最大的努力。我曾經介紹過他的經驗,就是利用選區中共和黨人占絕大多數,政府機構及計票機構的工作人員大多是共和黨人的優勢,嚴格審查每張郵寄選票的發放及投遞,儘量使民主黨無法在這些選區通過郵寄選票舞弊。他目前準備競選共和黨全國主席,代替現在的女主席,現在這位女主席一直被指為是RINO,是一位職業政客,整天穿得花枝招展的,實在看不出是幹實事的人。我認為Lee Zeldin競選共和黨主席的意義比川普宣佈競選總統來得大,我前面說過,川普宣佈競選總統的新聞、廣告效果遠大於實際效益,如果不從基層做起,尋找一些應對郵寄選票的辦法,川普只能成為一個笑話。如果Lee Zeldin競選共和黨主席成功,我對川普勝選總統有60%信心,如果失敗,只靠Charlie Kirk他們純粹走基督教會這條路線,壓力極大,未必能夠成功。

Charlie Kirk、Lee Zeldin與川普相比是默默無聞的小人物,不過我認為他們才是共和黨的未來,希望之星。而無論是川普還是德桑蒂尼都只是表面上的人物,真正的英雄是幕後像Charlie Kirk、Lee Zeldin這樣的許多默默奉獻的小人物,川普即使不為利,但也獲得了巨大的聲望,名聲,而Charlie Kirk、Lee Zeldin這些小人物純粹是為了基督教信仰,為了這個國家,這個社會,他們才是真正的共和黨的頂樑柱,國家的鋼鐵脊樑。當然我這裡同樣強調一點,建立合法的郵寄選票收割系統應該只是暫時的行為,如果能控制議會、州長的話,應該儘快推翻允許郵寄選票的法律,因為郵寄選票收割理論上就是嚴重的舞弊行為,違背選民不參政的意願煽動他們參政。“這些選民對政治不瞭解,不願參與,你卻來鼓勵煽動他們參政,並且讓你代表他們投票,這應該很有問題吧。”我在的歷程》《購買本書》這本書中還強調,“民主選舉是發自內心的,很虔誠的行為,是對上帝的承諾,是與上天堂聯繫在一起的事,你至少要克服一些困難到現場去投票,否則怎麼能證明你發自內心的虔誠,如果你真誠地認為自己對政治不瞭解,不想參與政治,讓別人來決定就好,你就應該堅決不投票,否則民主也就失去了意義,變成了統計人口的遊戲,發展到最後就是統計共和黨和民主黨所占的人數,誰多誰就贏得選舉。”


而且郵寄選票收割存在很多舞弊的風險,是很難防範的,我在網上還看到另外一篇文章,認為民主黨控制的計票部門私下列印了很多長年不參加選舉的選民的郵寄選票,然後根據選舉的情況,在最後幾天大量郵寄投放,我想這種情況是完全可能的,而且追查起來難度很大。還有一個重大的舞弊行為就是2020大選已經出現的現象,利用假名字、假位址申請郵寄選票。所以我對Charlie Kirk要建立橫跨全國的,合法的郵寄選票收割體系的雄心壯志表示懷疑,至少要採用我上篇文章中提到的中策,發動每個選區的共和黨人,特別是以教會為中心發動基督徒,徹底搞清楚每個選區的人口分佈,選民分佈,結合政府機構公開的戶籍人數,戶籍分佈,選民註冊人數等等,。共和黨根據這些編制自己的資料庫,確切核實每一張郵寄選票的真實性,防止民主黨用假位址、假名字申請無數的郵寄選票,進行非法的郵寄收割。但是我也一再強調過,民主黨這些沒有神論者競爭起來是沒有底線的,不擇手段,防不勝防,誰也不知道他們還會想出什麼其他非法違法手段,所以最好有機會就徹底杜絕郵寄選票。











What is the real purpose of the Democratic Party to open the border and introduce massive illegal immigrants?


Another focus of Biden’s presidential decree is green energy and climate warming, which are relatively more controversial. Unlike that, most people oppose illegal immigration; Those in favor of and against it is half and half. Naturally, the Republicans and conservatives oppose it. They believe these policies kill the employment of industrial workers, make them laid-off, make their lives miserable, and improve the cost of energy and national energy independence. Of course, here is also related to the understanding of the Bible. I will discuss it in detail below. Naturally, those who support it are radicals, such as the Democratic Party. They believe that eliminating traditional energy pollution industries and promoting green and clean energy such as solar and wind energy can enable humans to use nature fully and survive forever. So it is of far-reaching significance and imperative. Here, green energy also involves a climate warming problem. In fact, green energy and climate warming are related because scientists believe that the traditional energy industry will increase carbon emissions and destroy the ozone layer above the earth, which will warm the earth, melt the iceberg on the earth, raise the sea level, and finally make most people have nowhere to live, and finally human beings will perish. In fact, it can also be seen here that climate warming is indeed a groundless problem. Let alone whether the earth will really warm until the icebergs melt. Even if the icebergs melt, will humans just watch the sea overflow and wait to die? This is impossible to explain logically, so it is meeting trouble halfway to worry about climate warming. These two problems can be summed up as follows: the government or the ruling class tries to control the whole society and the behavior of everyone in the society through vital survival problems so that the ruling class, a few people, namely government civil servants, can exploit for a long time. They will always be in a dominant position and permanently enslave most others. Why do I say so? Listen to me slowly.

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Let’s first look at an old fable. Before a landlord died, he called his son to his side and asked him, “now the cattle in the pasture complain he is too busy, the pig mutter food is too poor, and the chickens grumble accommodation is worse. What are you going to do?” The son replied, “respond to the demand, reduce the workload of cattle, improve the food of pigs, and raise the living environment of chickens.” The landlord said, “wrong; tell them there are wolves outside!” This is the way of eternal rule. When there is a serious threat to people’s lives and survival outside, people will and can only obey their parents or the government. Only in this way can everyone live or survive and become very easy to manage, which is the most desired situation of the ruling class. This is also the reason why many authoritarian countries always launch war whenever the regime is unstable; On the one hand, it can improve cohesion, and on the other hand, it can fully strengthen the control measures and consolidate the regime. Of course, contemporary western governments are unlikely to raise cohesion and strengthen their rule by waging war, but many means are still available. Let’s talk about the epidemic as one of the means first. This means we should feel very cordial and realistic because we are all deep in it at present, that is, the coronavirus epidemic. Because of the fear of the spread of the coronavirus epidemic, governments of various countries have naturally promulgated many control measures to control the people, force them to stay at home, not to go out, and even prohibit them from going to church. In fact, many measures are serious violations of human rights, but when taking the lives and survival of most people as the reason, everything becomes reasonable.


So many people suspect that covid is released by people like Bill Gates, who want to control all humans. Of course, controlling society through an epidemic is relatively special, and it is impossible to control society through the epidemic for a long time. For example, more and more protests have emerged worldwide to protest against unreasonable control measures which violate human rights. They think it is entirely illegal to control human life to deprive people of freedom and human rights through coronavirus, with a survival rate of up to 97%. However, there is another unknown but effective way of control, namely the so-called scientism, which controls humans and society through the authority of science and scientists. I have always half believed and half doubted the science. I don’t believe in some exaggerated special functions, nor in the invincible science and technology advocated by some people. If someone thinks that science will overcome everything, it will be a new cult, that is, a scientific cult. I think science has great limitations. Human beings have significant restrictions on their own lives, the universe, and the earth. Even for the surrounding plants and trees, strictly speaking, we know very little. And science is based on experiments and experience; the results of experiments and experience are in the hands of God. Human ability is completely unable to control their own future. If you can’t understand the above, dare to say that you should control the amount of carbon exclusion and the temperature of the earth, or humans will perish. I think these are the same nonsense as cults.


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Of course, the impact of high pollution industries such as steel and coal on the climate and environment is obvious, and we can feel it. It is absolutely necessary to strictly manage these industries and do a good job in environmental protection because this is an apparent fact. However, if let me believe that the earth is constantly warming up, and then the ice water melts, and the earth will be destroyed, it will test my IQ. Because in addition to carbon emissions, the reasons for the earth’s temperature change are very complex, and there are too many variable factors. Facing the evolution of the earth over billions of years and the changes of various climates over tens of millions of years, it is beyond our power to clarify and solve it with human wisdom, much less a few scientists can accomplish it. It can also be said that only God can control the temperature of the earth. This is what I mentioned above. Green energy and climate warming involve the Bible. According to the Bible, we humans are created by God, and there is no mention in the Bible that humans will encounter the problem of climate warming. In the revelation of the Bible, or according to my consistent statement in the book “the course of Western civilization”, the fundamental reason for the coming of doomsday, In other words, humans entering heaven, is the war between good and evil. In order to escape the pursuit of the great red dragon, which represents extreme evil, humans flee to the wilderness and finally defeat the great red dragon in the wilderness, obtaining extreme liberation. Then Jesus returns to the earth and completes the second great trial. The wicked go to hell, and the good enter heaven. Because the Great Red Dragon represents extreme evil, the focus of humans in the Bible is the war of good and evil, Not climate warming.


Moreover, God also gives many inspirations to humans through the Bible. These inspirations are actually some ideas from the depths of our hearts, such as frugality, not extravagance and waste, the pursuit of internal delight, family happiness, and so on, rather than external luxurious private planes, yachts, or dozens of luxury cars, extravagant and wasteful carnival parties, etc. So we can naturally conclude that if we try to restrain our indulgence and consumption according to the requirements of the Bible, how is it necessary to worry about climate warming, and how can there be climate warming? But the Democratic politicians of the Biden administration don’t think so. They simply emphasize climate warming but don’t recognize the teaching of the Bible that human nature is greedy and degenerate, including themselves. They merely ask for others but are unwilling to restrain their behavior. For example, former Secretary of state Kerry, the Climate Ambassador appointed by Biden, must take a private plane when going out. The carbon emissions of private planes are the carbon emissions of ordinary people’s lifetime. It’s ridiculous; such people teach us to live frugally, use green energy, cancel the traditional energy industry, and destroy the jobs of ordinary American energy workers. How funny it is! It is conceivable that these people have no concept of green energy at all, so why do they promote it so strongly? But, of course, there are other reasons, that is, to form a big government and high tax model, control every resource of society, even control everyone’s behavior, and require people to how to do. Otherwise, the climate will turn warm, and humans will perish. The main purpose of their promotion of green energy, emphasizing climate warming, is to control the whole society. That is, the way of landlord governance I mentioned above, which control the family through external threats.

第二广告 将西方基督文明与佛道教 英文 纹理 有广告.jpg

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The Biden government has a huge plan to develop green energy, which is said to cost trillions of dollars. It needs not only high taxes but also a lot of money printing. Don’t think it’s fun to print money because we don’t pay it back anyway. In fact, printing money is robbery in disguise, diluting the wealth of ordinary people and making the poor poorer and the rich richer. Because the income channels of the poor are limited, it’s only two or three thousand dollars a month, and most poor people will have a harder life. Due to many investment channels, the rich may have more and more wealth. Printing money is actually robbing the poor and helping the rich, which is extremely evil. The Biden government hopes to invest these trillions of dollars in the green energy industry, hoping to gather national efforts to develop wind energy and solar energy. Still, no one knows whether these industries can be truly developed. From the experience of the pioneer California, there is a serious waste. As much as the investment is, there is as much loss, and the efficiency is very low. California often has power outages caused by the lack of a traditional energy industry. However, green energy can make many people rich and prosperous and let many people own private planes, yachts, etc. It is evident because the governor of California can allocate tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of funds to private enterprises to encourage the green energy industry without approval. It is actually the charm of big government; This is the purpose of the Biden government’s pursuit of green energy. Speaking of this, it should be clear that any big government model is harmful to ordinary people, no matter its name.

























未经允许不得转载:the course of Western Civilization » 昨天川普宣佈將再次競選美國總統,我認為可能是自取其辱,無比鬱悶時,卻偶然發現了兩個小人物,他們可能比川普偉大,並讓他成功

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