"the course of Western Civilization"





经过一个月的颠簸运送,《西方文明的历程》《简介》《作者简介》一书无论是简体版还是繁体版,在亚马逊上的卖家商城已经全部有货了,可以完全购买了,真没想到这个过程这么艰辛,希望大家踊跃前往购买,需要简体中文版的朋友可以点击https://www.amazon.com/dp/1734417633 这个链接,需要购买繁体中文版的朋友可以点击https://www.amazon.com/dp/1734417609这个链接。出版社是亚马逊美国商家,最适宜的购买对象是美国的朋友,由于境外的简体中文根本过不了海关,所以国内的朋友千万不要前往购买,否则只是浪费金钱而已,出版社网站https://readjoys.com/还有剩余一些校对书稿用来众筹交换,可以满足一些国内朋友的要求,大家可以往出版社网站看看,或者与作者本人联系。


这段时间一直在翻译我的《西方文明的历程》《简介》《作者简介》一书的英文精华版,总共有四十万字左右吧,原本想赶在一个月之内出版,可是正如我们熟知的,理想很丰满,现实却很骨感,原本想每天校对1万字左右,可实际上只能校对6000字,实在遗憾。当然一个主要原因是想通过这次校对把英语所有的疑难点再重新琢磨一篇,为以全新面貌翻译下面80万字文章做准备。这是一件很挑战自我的事,也是检验我一年以来翻译水平,或者说总结十几年来英语学习的一个难得机会,所以我尽量放慢校对速度,希望首先为大家奉献上完美的精华版翻译,也让大家知晓中国人英语能达到的尽可能高度。我一直相信很多年看过的一句话,中国人英语水平的上限其实也就是自己的汉语水平,这其实也是我一直创作五言七言诗的根本原因。很多人问我,“你又不是所谓的诗人,你应该算作一个历史学者,或者一位思想者,作家,写这些古诗干么?” 。其实原因就是我相信母语决定于了我的英语水平,所以想攀登中国文化的最高峰,五言七言诗,极力提高自己的中文水平,同时为自己能够达到英语的最高峰而努力。其实我们人类的感情是相通的,表达的方式也相似,只是一些表面上的文字符号不同而已,你如果知道如何用母语表达自己的感情?也必然知道如何用英语表达,这也是我的切身体会,所以中国人的英语上限就是我们的汉语水平,这句话是完全正确的,当然其中必然有无数艰苦的努力,二者表面上还是有很大不同的。同时通过对英语的理解,我知道中国传统的5言7言诗及宋词是中国文化最珍贵、最瑰宝所在,绝不可能轻言放弃,而去提倡所谓的新诗。我作为一个中国人,或者说想传承中国文化的人,对胡适这一代开启的所谓新文化运动、新诗极端反感,我认为正是这代知识分子的不学无术,滥竽充数,在历史的紧要关头没有承担起知识分子应有的责任,没有看到社会发展的本质,才造成了民族无数的灾难,我至今对54这代大师没有任何好感。我实在不知他们有什么拿得出手的学术成就、经典著作,对了,除了我老乡许地山的《中国道教史》。








追求上帝真理之路漫长而坎坷,任道而重远,不是我一个人可以完成的,上帝也不可能这么安排,无论如何都需要大家的鼎力支持。虽然我无怨无悔,知道上帝已经给了我一切,在战斗中的快乐,圣灵充满的感觉,无限美好的诗与远方,希望与未来,但是在追求上帝真理的路上,确实有太多的坎坷曲折,误解歪曲,甚至莫名其妙的咒骂,所以还是希望大家尽量的支持,让我尽快完成这本书的全部翻译,尽量为美国社会,这个人类社会的龙头重回基督教怀抱贡献一些力量,尽可能让它重回桃花源般的盛世,重回美好的一男一女的甜美爱情,一男一女的美好婚姻,温馨美满的幸福家庭,父慈子孝,尊老爱幼,这些人类最本质的生活,我想这才是人类的真正生活,这也是上帝给我的启示。当然这也将促使我们中国人来到真正的人类社会,而不是人云亦云的荒唐噫语。今天开始我尽量将我校对完 的一些出版社允许的中英文书稿在公众号发表,作为预热推销之用,也希望大家广泛推广传播本书的中文版,特别是英文版。














What is political correctness ?and why is it wrong?

Let’s look at the situation of Islamic countries. I have repeatedly stressed that religion determines western history; religion outweighs politics. The belief in immortality and eternity prefers political concepts such as equality, freedom, and human rights. According to the teachings of Islam, the conditions that believers can go to immortality, enteral life, and access to heaven are using the sword to force other people to believe in Islamism and the unifying of the state and the church; the church is the state, and the state is the church. Their doctrines have no universal value concepts such as equality, freedom, and human rights. These value concepts can only bring a little moving and a few tears; no matter what, they are the most beautiful things in the most depth of their souls. However, universal value concepts can’t cause other feelings or actions apart from that. Islamic can’t pay anything for these concepts. These concepts have little relation with their lives; they can’t produce material benefits, nor can they get rid of their troubles and pains. Let alone push them to go to heaven and get immortality and eternal life. There is no room for universal values in these Islamic countries. Therefore, we can see that in the Middle East, although many rich Islamic countries have extremely modern material lives, there exist no modern political ideas. These countries are all Islamists; although they are different sects, there is no space for Christianity to stay alive alike; there is no sign of religious freedom. In these countries, the royal family has huge privileges. According to the doctrines, they perform monogamy. Men have absolute authority over women. Equality is impossible between people, and it will never be possible forever because the doctrines stipulate that. As for human rights, it is even more impossible. Similarly, according to the doctrines, believers can only absolutely obey the church and the state; there is no margin for negotiation. Therefore, even if these universal values had been transplanted to the Islamic world, they had soon dried up and died. Today’s Islamic countries can prove this.


Why can’t the Islamic world have such concepts as equality, freedom, and human rights? Another important reason is the church has an army, and the doctrine allows to conquer the heretics by killing. How can a church with an army and a religion that allows killing have universal values such as equality, freedom, and human rights? It is absolutely a terrible thing when faith is combined with the sword. We know that faith is the most fundamental matter of human beings; there is no room for compromise and negotiation in pursuing immortality, eternity, and the ultimate world. Sword is originally the ultimate weapon to solve disputes, and it can only be used when all negotiations fail, but in the Islamic world, the sword is the first weapon to settle disputes. The use of swords to resolve disputes also has its avails: that is, direct, simple, and effective. one hand with scriptures and the other with swords; if you disobey them, you will be killed. After the disobedient are eradicated, the rest will be obeyed; how happy it is! Even if you don’t accept it in your heart, you stoop to compromise and pretend to observe in order to survive; however, your descendants will be assimilated by their doctrines. Seeing your son become an Islamist who slaughters Christians will only make you cry your heart out and get more humiliation. However, when the Islamists spread and conquered with swords, opponents also largely fought against and protected themselves with swords. Moreover, the Islamists also use swords for internal sectarian disputes. The bloody killing of their own sects is no less than the war between pagans. Therefore, the long-term war in the Islamic world has never stopped, So how can such a country have universal value?


Let’s continue to take a look at the things in Southeast Asia. These Southeast Asian countries have been colonized by Christian countries for a long time and have been infused with universal values such as equality and freedom. However, when the colonial rule was overthrown, and the Christian suzerain withdrew, the non-Christianity in these countries was reborn and flourished. These Southeast Asian countries also were Islamic colonies earlier, and Islam spread by swords, which was efficient and effective exceedingly. Soon the Islamists in these countries made up the majority of the population. At this time, the situation was completely different. According to my theory, in which religion outweighs political concepts, faith prefers universal value; in line with the teachings of Islam, these countries gradually implemented the church law and unified the church with the state. The state is the church, and the church is the state. At this time, they completely abandoned the universal values of equality, freedom, and human rights, which were empty in their eyes. They implemented the religious blasphemy law and didn’t allow to make irresponsible remarks on Islam. How will these Southeast Asian countries develop? As you can imagine, I won’t go on.


Let’s go back to the traditionally Christian countries. What would happen to these countries when the concepts of equality, freedom, and human rights break away from the Christian faith and become a universal value? I have repeatedly stated that the universal values of equality and freedom, for most of us, are the most righteous and virtuous things that shroud in the depths of the soul and represent the truth from the depths of the universe. Although we may ignore them due to the greed and corruption of human nature, we always have incomparable admiration and adoration for them in our hearts. Especially in the traditionally Christian countries, since there are still many Christians who believe in them really, the influence of these concepts is even more significant. Therefore, universal values have become the so-called “political correctness,” in traditionally Christian countries, an untouchable bottom line. I want to discuss here that when the concepts of equality, freedom and human rights break away from Christianity, they become so-called universal values and hypocritical concepts–“political correctness.” In the traditionally Christian world, universal values are closely related to belief, and they are real and realistic. They are sacred and solemn, connected with immortality and eternity, and used for moral practice. However, when without belief, the universal value can only be a pale, poor, abstract concept; it becomes a so-called universal value. A so-called universal value is just a broken and fragmented concept of good in the depth of human subconsciousness, which may not be entirely correct. Because once universal value loses its promise, it can’t be realized, only bringing hypocritical and evil, bringing the hypocritical concepts–“political correctness.”. Therefore, it can be said that “political correctness” is not only the residual impression of humans when living an eternal life in heaven but also an eternal dream left in human hearts. Although Universal value is the bottom line that humans can not touch, it is difficult to achieve universal value in real life due to the greed and degeneration of human nature. Only after long-term efforts can humans get the goal. And there is only one way to gain it, through pious belief, the firm belief in brotherly love. Moreover, we can only get brotherly love on earth by paying a huge sacrifice and price, and, finally, we return to heaven through it. Don’t say that apostles, saints, and martyrs generally bear the cost of life. At least you have to pay 10% tithes and denote part of your property, rather than preaching an insane sermon and bossing about others. Otherwise, these universal values can only become hypocritical “political correctness”, the secular government’s propaganda and advocacy, or the incitement and a moral stick of leftists.

Therefore, universal values without belief turn into “political correctness” ,which can only be used by hypocritical politicians. This is the same reason that after human morality leaves away from belief, it is just synonymous with empty, pale, and can only produce hypocrites like Obama. Of course, you can only criticize hypocritical “political correctness”, and you cannot criticize human morality and universal values. After all, they are truths from the depths of the universe and are untouchable bottom lines. Because when morality is connected with belief, it is sacred and solemn and used to practice, we dare not even talk about it at will. However, when the universal value has nothing to do with belief and becomes a concept, it also becomes a pronoun for false and empty, which can be used to produce profits. Thus, politicians like Obama can wield the moral stick of universal value and “political correctness” to criticize others and achieve superiority. Because of the pursuit of universal value, they become great politicians and leaders of this society, satisfying their boundless vanity and pleasure. This is the real reason why leftist politicians refer to “equality, freedom, Human rights “in all their words. These leftist politicians do not pursue universal values for the sake of faith, so they may not sacrifice anything for these concepts. It is just generosity by costing others wealth. Obama can express his countless love for black brothers in his speech, but at the first opportunity, he leaves Chicago, where black people garner and moves his family to Washington, where rich white people gather. When Merkel was asked whether she could raise several refugees, she firmly answered, “never.”. This is the genuine attitude of leftist politicians toward universal values, which is extremely hypocritical. This is also the fate of equality, freedom, and human rights when they leave the embrace of Christianity, and they become similar to Confucianism in ancient Chinese society. Their role is to produce hypocrites, who are on the moral high horse. The fundamental reason for this phenomenon is that society is becoming more and more secular and far away from Christianity, which is more and more similar to the secular society of atheism.



We can see that leftist politicians such as Obama and Merkel seem generous and practice universal values, but they are all in a haughty manner, which only causes great harm to the country and society. For example, “equality for all” is an alleged universal value, a concept of “political correctness,” and a pleasant thing from heaven left behind in our subconscious. People feel it is mighty and lofty and believes that it is humans’ ultimate aim. Most of us dare not oppose this concept. But why do we feel strange when we think of such mighty and lofty concepts as the ultimate aim of humans? Because these concepts do not stand by belief, they can not be achieved in reality under the present conditions. No religion thinks that all people’s rights are equal. It just is a hypocritical concept inferred by the politician, and even can be said, fantasied by the politician.


The purpose of these politicians is to highlight that they are greater than ordinary people. Although “equality for all people” seems an incomparable universal value, it can’t win support from most religious believers. After all, religious belief is an essential matter in human society. Therefore, the “equality for all” concept is plausible and can’t be put into practice. Without belief, they are just saying. These politicians never want to practice it; they just use it as a moral stick to strike others. At present, the unconditional “equality for all” has harmed society. In recent years, the continuous black riots in the United States obviously come from this “equality for all”. Another example, “homosexual rights,” is also a universal value and “politically correct”. The minority of homosexuals require equal rights; the requirement seems proper from equal rights for all, from the remnant but decent impression coming from human’s unconsciousness. However, it is problematic from the perspective of faith because no religion recognizes that homosexuality is normal; it’s harder to connect with holiness. Since all religions exclude homosexuality, it is doomed to be difficult for most people to receive it. After all, religious belief is an essential matter in human life. More people believe in religion rather than believing in the right of homosexuality. Moreover, homosexuality is contrary to the human natural physiological phenomenon; most people are hard to accept it. It is absolutely correct to protect homosexuals’ rights and not harm them. This is also the most realistic thing under the current conditions. However, leftist politicians demand that homosexuals’ rights will be unconditionally equal to normal people for the sake of universal values. They promote homosexual education in elementary schools and believe that homosexuality is a normal phenomenon. It is all wrong. What they are doing has hurt the rights of most people and made many ignorant children curious to try this so-called normal phenomenon. How harm and distortion does it cause trauma to normal children, and how much perversion does it bring to the whole society? For the sake of their so-called greatness, these leftist politicians have ruined many social ethe and mutilated many teenagers. If we want to investigate them further, they are already committing a crime.


Our requirement for any politician who stresses universal value only is to pay equally. If you want others to pay, you must pay a corresponding proportion. It is impossible for other people to sacrifice their property, even lives, and you sit idle and enjoy the benefits. For example, we can ask Obama to live in Chicago instead of moving to Washington. Of course, he can live in a luxury villa with tight security. You can’t ask him to live like an ordinary black man; this is unrealistic. However, how much does he love black people? How eagerly does he pursue equality for all? If he doesn’t live in Chicago? Where does he live? Or we can ask Merkel to adopt some refugees, how much she likes refugees! How eagerly she pursues universal values! She can’t let refugees harass her compatriots, but she seems nothing.


To judge whether a politician really believes in universal values and “political correctness” or seeks his own interests in the name of those, we can compare his proposition with the content of the Bible because the universal values come from the Bible. If the proposition advocated by a politician is much different from the Bible, it must be questionable. For example, when a politician puts the rights of homosexuals and transgender above normal people, it can be concluded that he is a hypocritical politician. He waves a moral stick solely for his own benefit because their options are too different from the Bible’s contents. You can claim to respect the rights of homosexuals and transgender, but if you put their rights above normal people and preach their way of life everywhere, there is absolutely a problem. We should not hate homosexuals and transgender, but it is impossible to beautify them and abet becoming them. This is too different from the Bible and absolutely contrary to the common sense of human relations. Because of the limitation of our knowledge, it is difficult for us to distinguish what faith is? What are the universal values, and what is “political correctness of empty and void”? What should I do? Don’t worry; compare these politicians’ ideas with the Bible.

These leftist politicians preach universal values everywhere and hope to build a new society with universal values. It can only be said to be daydreaming and bring endless disasters to humans because there are no universal values in essence. All these universal values are unique to the Christian world. Without the condition of the Christian faith, these universal values, “Political correctness,” can only be water without a source; fish out of the water and will soon dry up and die.







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