countries such as Britain, the United States, and Northern Europe for a long time, while other countries have various problems?
“the course of western civilization(essence version)”“buy the book” Part III. American Revolution
Chapter 1. Massachusetts–building the city on the hill, a city of God
section 11. Without brotherly love, America is no sense
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if no brotherly love of Christianity, no the US, or a nonsense
European history desperately proves that Catholic countries cannot sustain democracy for long.
When we talk about American society today, we no longer hear the words “brotherly love”. When asked what is American? Most people think whoever believes in and trusts in the United States Constitution is an American, and all Americans should unite under the constitution. These are also the contents taught in citizenship education. The oath of Naturalization is also about supporting and defending the Constitution of the United States. Many immigrate to the United States just for its democracy, freedom, equality, and the American dream of bringing wealth and career. I guess no one will immigrate to the United States now for the “brotherly love”. And no one knows that Winthrop is the Founding Father of the country, and no one knows the destination he went to North America is for the love of brothers, to build a city on the hill, the coming United States. If without brotherly love, do democracy, freedom, and equality exist in the United States? Is there really an American dream?
We can find that democratic elections have been kept for hundreds of years in Protestant countries, but it is difficult to uphold for a long time in other societies. Why? In Protestant countries, people all believe in God and the same Bible; all believe that everyone is equal under God and full of brotherly love. When selecting their own managers, resolving conflicts, disputes, and other important matters, they firmly believe that everyone is brother and utterly equal; no one has the right above the others. Therefore, those significant matters will be decided on the basis of the democratic principle agreed upon by the majority. And it had three critical contents: first, democratic elections are closely related to religious belief, and religious belief is related to immortality and eternality linking with the ultimate world. People will treat the votes in their hands with the most holiness and piety. Election fraud is impossible, let alone election corrupt, because these actions will be considered blasphemous, sacrilegious, and profane, blocking people from going to heaven. Second, democratic elections are based on equality for all. Only by believing in equality for all can we stick to the principle of majority decision. Otherwise, it will be another matter. For example, in a secular society without belief, there is apparent inequality between people before everyone’s eyes. As big men, they don’t think that democratic elections are effective. They look down on the small people from their hearts, let alone let the small people decide important things. Even if democratic elections are carried out in such a society, these big men will inevitably use bribery, corruption, and other tricks to influence and control the election. It is natural they will win the election in the end. They think doing that is right as rain. People have various grades and ranks, higher or lower. In the end, it must be the big men to control society. Otherwise, the whole society will be in chaos. This phenomenon can be seen in most so-called democratic countries except Protestant countries, all countries in Southeast Asia, Africa, Latin America, and even some Catholic countries in Europe. It can be said that even though Catholicism is part of Christianity, like Protestantism, no Catholic country can escape from the ruin of democracy and fall into a dictatorship by the big men. Napoleon of France, Hitler of Germany, Mussolini of Italy, Franco of Spain, etc., because Catholicism does not believe that all people are equal under God. They believe in hierarchy and religious hierarchy. The Catholic countries in Europe still trust the hierarchical order of the pope, cardinal, archbishop, bishop, etc., let alone other societies. Thirdly, democratic elections are closely linked to brotherly love. It can only be held In a community full of brotherly love; everyone is happy to win or lose, respects each other, and never corrupts the election.
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However, once the society loses the love of brothers, which is the basis of a democratic election, even if the community still believes in the alleged equality between people, there will be no real democratic election. I want to talk about such a society, today’s American society after it loses brotherly love. As a traditional Protestant country with nearly 400 years of tradition, the idea of equality for all has profound deposits, and it is impossible to clear up at once. Therefore, although American society is becoming more and more secular, the idea of equality for all is still accepted by most people. However, It turns into equality for all without faith and brotherly love, the alleged rational equality for all. American society differs from the standard non–Protestant countries in which people don’t have the concept of equality at all. But without faith and brotherly love, will everyone be equal? After losing faith, each of us becomes an individual who purely pursues his own desires. We know that human desires are endless, and human desires without the restriction of faith are even more unscrupulous. We will no longer feel other people’s feelings and pain, never take any rules or conscience into account, let alone brotherly love. At this time, these individuals are bound to interfere and manipulate the election by any means to satisfy their own best interests. Therefore, the election is constantly interfered with and destroyed by various means. The more dare to break the rules, the more vice to violate their conscience, the more likely they to win the election, and the whole society will become a society of bad money driving out good money. Ultimately, the higher the rank in society is, the eviler they are. Therefore, in the end,the so-called rational equality for all cannot be maintained. The final result is a dictatorship because it is obvious how these evil and nasty people can believe in equality for all? And why will they support equality for all?
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