As we have discussed before, the traditional separation of politics and religion like two-heads snakes-like was once the best social structure in human history. The church’s restriction on the state prevented the state from becoming an autocratic Leviathan monster, while the state counterbalanced the church. Thus, the church was exempt from the barbarism and backwardness of the unity of church and state so that human society can develop steadily and orderly. However, In all non-Christian societies in human history, it is a different scene. They always regarded the state as an ideal, the highest form of human existence, such as Plato’s ideal state. Plato believed that the state is the embodiment of good, the perfect expression of rationality. Aristotle also believed that human history has gone through several stages of family, workshop, city-states, and city-states; the last is the perfect form, the embodiment of Justice. Hegel believed that “the nation is the highest form of objective spirit, the realization of ethical ideas, and an absolute self-contained rational thing. The basis of the nation is a will that can realize its own rational power. In his view, the nation is free, eternal, and absolute, the realization of the ethical spirit, independent of human will. It is the highest developmental stage and organizational form of the human community. Human society will eventually develop to the national stage.” Putting aside these obscure philosophical languages, in our popular words, Hegel believed that the nation is the final and best result of human rational thinking on human society and the final and best existing form of human society. It is free, eternal, and absolute, not subjecting to human will; each of us can only submit to the nation. Hegel’s view is actually very familiar to us; moreover, all these are well-known facts to us. From this, we can also know what today’s state theories of our secular society has inherited. The above is only a little mention of several representative state theories in non-Christian society. There are many others, for example, Confucianism’s rule of the sage king. Confucianists believe that a country is led by an emperor who knows the truth of Confucianism; that is, a country led by a sage king is the perfect society. In fact, all the above state theories are very similar. They basically regard the nation as the perfect, best, and highest form of human existence. But it is a pity that this great and lofty ideal nation has never been realized in human history. The country has never existed in this ideal way envisioned by secular thinkers.

While these philosophers are boasting, in fact, their concept of the state has been deeply marked with atheism. What they call universality and abstraction is not really universal and abstract, but just atheistic universality and abstraction. The universality and abstraction that they said have excluded God, and for thousands of years in human society, has there really existed a Godless and atheistic society? Even in the most secular society, there are primitive ghost worship and fetishism, and so on. How universal and abstract is it to exclude the most common God in human society? You may think that I am quibbling, but in fact, Schopenhauer and others used Kant’s antinomy to refute Kant’s own morality. Kant’s antinomy holds that reason is indeed defective and powerless in dealing with the ultimate problems of infinity and finiteness, God and godlessness. Therefore, Kant’s rationalism is flawed. (Kant’s morality is rationalism, and he believed that human reason is perfect. Friends who want to know more can refer to Chapter 2 of this book by themselves or search Kant’s antinomy and Schopenhauer’s criticism of Kant’s morality.)
Universality and abstraction do have practical meaning in the discussion of ordinary problems. The reason is also the ability of humans different from animals. However, in the ultimate problem, the reason is powerless. We cannot abstract and generalize from God because God is one, Infinite, universal, all. The reason is originally under God but wants to transcend God; how is this possible? Thus, How does a universal world without God exist? How does a godless morality exist? We have said that you can’t find a universal world without gods, fairies, and fetishism in reality. That is, universality cannot surpass God, and the concept of God is universal. So even, In the end, Kant had to admit that “reason is flawed and not enough to rely on completely.” therefore, he still introduced the concept of God into his philosophy. It is not my sophistry, but that godless world doesn’t exist. It is impossible and absurd for reason to surpass God. The crazy American leftist thinkers ignore the flaws of human reason, ignore that there has never been an atheistic society, ignore this reality that the rational ideal state of Plato and others in human history have never realized. They take the inference from flawed human reason as the discipline of human society, used it to replace God and religious beliefs, and use it to build a country. What a terrible thing it is? How many ridiculous and terrifying consequences will this cause? And how much madness and chaos will be dragged into human society? Human society will eventually collapse with it.

How can a crazy society, which ignores and magnifies the defects of human reason infinitely, is the most perfect, the best, and the highest nation? Let’s look at the marriage concept of monogamy, a man and a woman, which was once considered as the symbol of human civilization. The marriage concept of monogamy, a man and a woman, is originally a religious concept. It comes from the “Bible,” comes from ancient ages when humans and God communicated most closely, comes from the depths of the mysterious universe. It is connected with the ultimate world of eternal life and eternity; it is most in line with the common sense of human ethics. Through thousands of years, the practice has proved that it is the best and warm traditional custom and the most stable social microstructure, which can ensure the healthy and happy growth of the next generation. Obviously, the marriage concept of monogamy, a man and a woman is not the result of reason; reason cannot generate such a concept of marriage. According to the principle of rationality, no harm to others is good; we can draw countless strange concepts of marriage, such as the marriage between homosexuals, incests, human and animal., etc. Aren’t these conclusions all absurd and terrifying? But these will prevail in the society and state promoted by leftist thinkers. It is not an exaggeration to say that they are crazy from the common sense of human ethics. Then why can they exist? , they just lie in the flaws of human reason. From the above, we know that if faith is lost and God is gone, reason cannot deny the rational existence of these crazy marriage concepts. However, today’s leftist thinkers are trying to use the flawed reason to overthrow the traditional and most reasonable marriage concepts of monogamy, a man and a woman. They promote strange marriage concepts, such as homosexual marriage, incest marriage, and human-beast marriage. They use reason to build an atheistic and rational society, which is crazy and ignores the common sense of human ethics. This is not anti-human; then what is anti-human? It is actually because of this that American society falls into chaos and madness today? Therefore, the universal, abstract, and atheistic, rational states of Plato and others have no basis of existence at all.

It can be seen that these leftist thinkers are essentially pursuing atheism, and their real aim is to overthrow God and replace God with their rationality. Then they will become the new God, guide and lead a new life of humans, which make them envelop in the halo and glory of being worshipped. Whether human beings will be crazy or destroyed is not their concern. This is the true thought of the American leftist thinkers, and this is the primary purpose of their continuous pursuit. If a person is not out of self-interest, even he does not recognize the flaws of reason; he will come to a conclusion similar to the early leftist sociologist Durkheim. Durkheim suggested that religion is created to stabilize the order of human society, and the marriage concept of monogamy and one man and one woman from religion also is created for the stability of human society. Of course, this marriage concept is impossible to overthrow or break casually, but this bottom line does not exist for today’s leftist thinkers.
We not only can see the leftist thinkers’ massive flaws and craziness of the rational and universal ideas of the state from the common sense of human ethics, but also in real life. We can see that this secular state is turbulent in fate, which is constructed by a theory similar to rational and universal ideas. There is a society in human history closest to the pursuit of leftist thinks in the United States. This is the eastern secular society. In these countries, religion is reclusive and secluded. Its main religion of Buddhism and Taoism paid attention to cultivate vital energy and inaction, tried to avoid contact with the secular society, leaving a huge space for the secular government. The secular government had tremendous power and had a decisive influence on life. Isn’t this the society that leftist thinkers are pursuing? Is It the secluded religions like Buddha and Dao that gave rise to the eastern secular society? or the powerful secular government suppressed religion, resulting in the Buddha and Dao had to retreat from the world? This is a question of the chicken and the egg; no one can Answer. I can only say that they may complement each other. However, in the history of the eastern secular society for thousands of years, the country has almost disordered in the way of development, peaks, and collapse, struggling in the cycle of changing dynasties. No one of the secular countries is immortal, and there has never been a country that can remain prosperous. It can only show that leftist thinkers’ universal and abstract concept of state is problematic.

why? This is the reason we have discussed countless times, that human nature is not perfect, good, and rational. Humans yearn for good and rational, but they are selfish, rapacious for pleasure, greedy for life and fear of death. Humans cannot resist the temptation of greed and depravity, often in a state of sin. this is why no ideal country envisioned by secular thinkers can maintain for a long time. The individuals are often in a state of sin who make up a society; how can the society they constitute remain in an ideal state? If people are not restricted, they will inevitably go to depravity and greed. Similarly, any country without restrictions will go to its opposite. According to Aquinas’s reinterpretation of the famous six regimes, namely, monarchy, aristocracy, democracy, tyranny, oligarchy and majority tyranny. they are actually three regimes and their opposite. He believed that in the absence of the restriction of the church, human society will inevitably generate tyrants under the monarchy, oligarchs under the aristocracy, and majority tyranny under the democratic. This is a correct idea. In reality, these are common phenomena in non-Christian societies. In Israel’s dynasties, in the autocratic monarchy of the eastern secular society, each dynasty should appear several tyrants, which led to the change of dynasties. Ancient Greek democracy also ended with majority tyranny. Aquinas was a man of the 13th century. I can’t imagine that he had such a sharp understanding of democracy, which often shames me as an oriental. I really don’t know how far our eastern society distances from western society in the constitution. Many people always think that the modern American political system, the separation of powers, the mutual checks and balances, etc., can last forever. However, Aquinas pointed out so sharply hundreds of years ago that without the restriction of the church, any democracy, including the democratic system of the United States, will inevitably slide into the majority tyranny, and the current situation proves this true. In a Christian society, whether it is a monarchy or a democracy, there will inevitably be a few bumps in development due to the selfishness and greed of human nature. However, because of the church’s constraints, the stability of the regime is different from non-Christian. There are more than a thousand years between the Capet dynasty and the Bourbon dynasty in France. Although they experienced the Valois dynasty during the period, the Valois, the Capet, and the Bourbon dynasty are all cousins; They completed the smooth transition of the dynasty without any bloodshed. Among the British kings, from William I to the current Queen Elizabeth, all kings have blood relations, which lasted for more than a thousand years. Although they have also experienced several battles for the throne, except the red and white rose battle of the Canary Dynasty, which is relatively fierce, and the others were local wars, which basically did not cause damage to society. From the perspective of democracy, the British constitutional system after the Glorious Revolution has lasted for more than 300 years. The United States has established a constitution for more than 200 years. Only today has there been a fatal crisis, and the reason just is non- Christianization and secularization. Ancient Greek democracy can’t compare with them, whose golden years only sustained forty years. So you have to admire the penetrating power of Aquinas’ thoughts and compliment the greatness of real thinkers

From these historical experiences, we can also see that the two-headed social structure of the state and the church can nicely contribute to social stability. Its essential reason lies in what we have discussed. The dualism of human nature in Christian ethics can well resolve the contradiction between selfish human nature and traditional virtues. The separation of state and religion of the Christian states based on this dualism of human nature is also extremely reasonable. Christianity believes that human nature is greedy and depravity. The man comes to this world with original sin and is naturally inclined to crime, licentiousness, and material enjoyment. These are true and credible. They are the same as the conclusions of empiricism and accord with real life. At the same time, Christianity like rationalism believes that humans can own virtues,and believe that these virtues are the happy memories of the Garden of Eden, the impression of heaven leaving in the heart of humans. It is only because of the original sin that humans have lost the inner power to obtain these virtues. humans have been unable to obtain the virtues through their own efforts. and Christian ethics believe that virtue should regain only through the grace of God and faith in God. In this regard, Christian ethics is completely different from any secular moral philosophy. Empiricism tries to base virtue on benefits, while rationalism tries to obtain virtue through the reason’s pursuit, which does not exist. From the comparison with empiricism and rationalism, we can see that the biggest difference between Christian ethics and secular moral philosophy is that, Christian ethics has an additional factor of faith and believes that only through faith can humans obtain virtue. Christian ethics believes in the existence of God and the mysterious forces of the universe, and believes that humans can come to an ultimate world that is immortal, eternal, sacred, and beautiful, transcending death. It believes that virtues are the sacred order of the ultimate world. Humans only can get salvation and access to heaven by practicing these virtues of the ultimate world, and all of this is based on faith. Therefore, faith becomes the driving force for humans to get rid of the temptation of profit, material enjoyment, honor and vanity, and lead to morality. It is the only driving force. As a result, people are driven by faith to move towards morality, and faith becomes the glue between selfish human nature and traditional virtues. This also shows the magical power of religious faith and its substantial positive effect on society.

According to this state theory based on the duality of human nature, the Christian society believes that the secular government and the Christian church should exist separately and simultaneously. The secular government exists for the greedy and degraded human nature. It is material, hedonistic, and realistic. It holds the material sword of God, and the Christian church exists for faith. It is spiritual, transcendent, and moral. It holds the spiritual sword of God. They think that in a normal society, the two are inseparable and indispensable. The relationship between them is like a two-headed snake, helping and supporting each other. Christian ethics takes into account the two contradictory human natures, namely, the pursuit of material pleasure and the pursuit of moral nobility, and separates them to form two different systems, the state and the church, so that they can supervise each other and avoid their own flaws; therefore, the country in the Christian society is very stable and orderly. Moreover, the history of the United States has also proven that the church representing faith and spirit should dominate society as much as possible. This kind of society is the strongest and most prosperous; that is, the state must not interfere in church affairs, but the church can intervene in state affairs. A society with the more advanced view of separation of state and church is the most reasonable. The secular philosophers’ state theory does not recognize that human nature is greedy and depraved. They believe that humans are rational and can reach the perfect state through themselves, and humans can reach an ideal country. Therefore, there is no church of representing faith and spiritual power in their state theory, so they can not restrict human nature; thus, there has never appeared an ideal country conceived by Plato and others in history. The country closest to the ideal country conceived by Plato and others, is the eastern secular society. But they always turbulent, far away from their ideals.

On this basis, let’s discuss in detail why the eastern secular society, which is closest to Plato’s rational and universal country, has been in the cycle of changing dynasties? Because there is no faith or weak faith in the society, the secular regime of the eastern secular society is composed of purely greedy and depraved people. without the restriction of religion, the greed and corruption of the secular regime were diffused arbitrarily. and morality soon completely degenerated, and social was hard to sustain, finally collapse, turmoil, war. All these prove that the rational and universal theory of the state is problematic. Of course, this is a huge subject. Due to limited space, we can only briefly talk about it. The specific reasons are as follows: first, in the eastern secular society, the church gradually shrinks and weakens, and eventually becomes a tool of the state, and is dispensable. Although there are no firm religious beliefs, in the early days of each dynasty, the founding fathers of the dynasty are still alive. They also know the abuses and cruelty of the previous dynasties; the morality is generally healthy and clear. Because there is no restriction of church and faith, there were many rampant villains in the development of society. in the middle and late stages of each dynasty, The society also filled with plenty of calling white black, calling a stag a horse. Morals are fallen, such a society will inevitably collapse and perish. Second, due to the shrinking and weakening of the church, all power belongs to the secular government. It can do whatever it wants, completely ignoring any morals and beliefs. This kind of society will inevitably go into a police state and use violence to enforce its own will. In the 2,000-year history of eastern secular society, the army, police, and prison of any dynasty are extremely powerful. Such a country can ignore any public opinion and act on its own will. This is also the reason why I, as an Oriental, don’t think “1984” is so classic, because the 2,000-year autocratic monarchy society in the East is actually a more classic police society, a very typical Leviathan monster. In such a society, the country has become a monster that swallows everyone, including the bureaucratic group itself, including all royal relatives and nobles. The development of this kind of society can only force the people to revolt, so many peasant uprisings broke out. In the Oriental secular society, the peasant uprising and the change of dynasties were extremely tragic. Almost all the nobles of the former dynasty were exterminated; that is, they devoured others and themselves, and finally, the whole society died together. Third, the last kind of police state cannot last long because the police state will inevitably have internal power struggles, leading to civil strife. Finally, the state will fall into turmoil,brother against brother and warlord’s war are the norms of eastern secular society, which essentially fight for power within the police state. Fourth, there is a fatal flaw in the replacement of God by human reason; that is, everyone wants to replace God with his own reason, so whose reason is the standard? This is another reason for the constant disputes in eastern secular society. It is also the main reason why this kind of society can not last forever – -the ideological confusion. There are countless philosophical trends in human history, countless thinkers, philosophers, and idealists, so the society with secular philosophers as mentors will inevitably fall into chaos. Such as the confusion of Germany that emerged before the First World War, philosophical trends like Marxism, Hegelian Nationalism, Nietzsche’s Superman, etc. Every philosophical trend has a corresponding political figure pursuing it, and the German political arena is also chaotic turbulent. France is still tossing in the whirlpool of various philosophical trends. One is the extreme left of the red ocean, another is the extreme right of nationalism, another is feminism, and the other is existentialism. All kinds of sexual indulgence, homosexuality, promiscuity, and Incest is reasonable; no one knows what the current French society is doing. Fifth, it is also the most deadly, and it is what we focused on in the first chapter. Human nature loves leisure and hates labor; there is no restriction on religious faiths.

Therefore, this secular society encourages greed and depravity, encourages the vanity of humans, promotes the official rank superior to crush the inferior, and prompts speculation. All these will inevitably lead to an extremely large bureaucracy and an endless proliferation. To support these institutions will inevitably impose and levy heavy taxes. The whole society will eventually be unable to bear it. In the end, it will inevitably lead to an economic crisis, with victims and refugees everywhere. The whole society will collapse and slide into great turmoil and turbulence.
Man is always arrogant and proud, never seriously takes history as a mirror to know the rise and fall, and always thinks that they can transcend history, so humans are always trapped in the unceasing turmoils and can not extricate themselves. The countless tough lessons of secular countries in human history are not enough to make people reflect a little, a bit, and still stubbornly pursue the ideal state and utopias based on human reason. Contemporary American leftist thinkers are such people. No matter how these leftist thinkers change concepts and mince words. We can see that they are the same as the thought of Plato, Aristotle, Hegel, etc., and They are also the shadow of the eastern secular society for more than 2000 years, pursuing a secular society without God. In the secularizing of the Christian society, these leftist thinkers in the United States added fuel to the flame, put insult to injury, never seriously examined human history. With blind confidence, they completely overthrew the original Christian society’s two-headed snake-like state structure, the separation of state and religion. They have completely abandoned the spiritual sword, excluded the church from politics, and returned to Plato and other secular philosophers’ ideas that have failed countless times. They pursue an ideal state that cannot exist. And even worse, They build a society with an arrogance that Plato and others do not have. Although Plato and others established the country with goodness and rationality, the specific content was still quite realistic. Plato believed that city-states need three levels of functions, that is, producer, guardian, and ruler. According to the actual situation, Aristotle also believed humans could choose the most suitable method among the monarchy, aristocracy, and democracy. Hegel advocated constitutional monarchy and believed that constitutional monarchy was the most realistic and feasible for fragmented Germany. And these American leftist thinkers pursue universal and abstract concepts with unprecedented persistence, think that universality and abstraction must be eternal and absolute. It is conceivable that they should place the theory of the state under this crazy pursuit. The theory of the state they conceived is also a universal and abstract concept. Not only do they think that the state is the expression of goodness and rationality, the most perfect, good, and highest form of human existence, as the thought of Plato and others. But in the specific content, they also think that the state is a pure democracy, transcending of religious belief.
Moreover, it must embody universal human rights, universal equality, and universal religious freedom based on rationality. So they pursue human rights, even the human rights of some terrorists, seek absolute equality, and even boost the rights of minorities, such as homosexuals and transgender people, to suppress the rights of most people. They believe that this is true equality. They go afte absolute religious freedom. They hate the influence of Christianity over the state, and even suppress Christianity by raising the cult. They believe that this is true religious freedom. They have completely dragged human society into madness and chaos, and their efforts will eventually drag the United States into turmoil and war. Can we stop them?