"the course of Western Civilization"


感谢海内外朋友的大力支持,本书《西方文明的历程》《简介》《作者简介》第一版在极艰难的情况下全部售罄,同时第二版开始向海外读者销售,欢迎光临https://readjoys.com/(出版社网站)购买,https://www.westcivileastfujun.com/ (国内网站)有提供在线阅读。 同样地由于工作上的失误,第二版校对时有多出一些多余书稿,内容与正式版一模一样,只是没有封面,书号,价格等,可以作为内部交流专用,有意的国内朋友可以与出版社或者作者本人交流这部分书稿,方式仍然是众筹,目的用于英文版翻译的昂贵费用。因为本书是美国书号,国内不能流通,这也是希望得到纸质书的国内朋友的唯一机会,本人今后的一大目标就是将本书向英文世界推广,作为美国保守派、基督徒有力的思想武器,帮助他们重拾河山,当然主要是为人类社会的更加美好幸福,所以希望大家踊跃众筹,大力支持,由于数量有限,交流完为止,机不可失,失不再来,百年奇书,破解美国崛起秘诀,错过可惜。我在公众号文章中经常推荐《西方文明的历程》《简介》《作者简介》这本书,有网友认为这是广告,原因之一也确实是为了卖书,这是我目前的生计,希望大家谅解与理解。不过我个人认为主要不是广告,因为公众号文章篇幅太小,很多观点根本无法表达,而书中有详细论述,我只能如此表达,才能使论述完整,所以还是希望大家阅读本书,才能理解我的公众号文章表达的思想,相信这本120万字的书会让您有所收获。















第二版水墨画销售广告 2021.7.3.jpg


这三个月里同时也感受中国语言,中国成语的无穷魅力,大家也许感到莫名其妙,但这确实是实情。例如对于日新月异这个成语,我终于透彻体会到它的意思,每天新一点,进步一点,一个月就大变样,三个月确实可以做到突飞猛进,脱胎换骨的变化,还有“天下无难事,只怕有心人”等,我这里就不多说了。不过这时候新的问题来了,对最早的一些翻译作品我现在非常不满意,感觉惨不忍睹,因为这最先的十几、二十万字将要作为打进美国市场的先锋部队,尖刀作用,应该是最精锐优秀的,尽量不要有瑕疵,所以决定还是放慢脚步,将这十五万字的翻译重新检查一遍,所以还是抽不出时间经常写公众号文章,所以如果有公众号文章的话,还是希望大家多多打赏支持。下面就是我整理的自述章节,这篇文章改动的还不是很大,不过细心的读者应该可以感受到一些变化,感受到我对英语更深的体会与理解,更成熟的英语写作能力。 我也算重新找到了自己人生的方向与目标,每当我对现实沮丧、颓废的时候,我就翻译几段我的《西方文明的历程》《简介》《作者简介》这本书,我知道这是在行动战斗,古人说悲愤成文,郁结成诗,我现在情况是,悲愤就写文章,郁结就翻译,尽量让自己的人生充实圆满。



about the author(作者自述)

My name is Fu Jun, male, born in 1971 in Putian, Fujian Province. I grew up in xiaojiafang, the most remote and mountainous district in Shaowu of Fujian, so I have a special feeling for mountains in my life. When I was eight years old, in the third grade, I came to Zhangzhou of Fujian because of my mother’s job transfer. Except coming back to Nanping of Fujian for four years of college, I have lived in Zhangzhou until now. Due to the complicated experience, It’s hard to say precisely where a man I am from, but I have been living in Zhangzhou for more than 30 years, there should be no objection to being known as a man of Zhangzhou. Also, we can see from this resume that I’m a typical child of Fujian, and I almost have lingered on all lands of Fujian. In the third year of senior high school, I encountered a tremendous crisis, facing the most critical moment of my life. It seems that I had come into the realm of philosophers. At such a young age, I often thanked about life or death? The essence of life? The meaning of life? The value of existence? Is it material that determines consciousness, or consciousness determine material? In retrospect, thinking about these fundamental questions was a tragedy for me. At that time, I was so young that I couldn’t bear to think about these questions, so I fell into a complete disorder, which seriously affected learning. Therefore, the college entrance examination results were unsatisfactory, and I was assigned to Fujian Forestry University. The assignment was a kind of college entrance examination system in the late 1980s of china. Few people may know it now, which was you must promise to comply with the country’s arrangement when the examination scores weren’t ideal, and the government would allocate you a college.
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Of course, I don’t mean to slander my alma mater–Fujian Forestry College here; otherwise, I thank it very much. The Fujian Forestry College located in Xiqin Town, a suburb of Nanping, Fujian; it was more than 20 kilometers away from the city. If you went more from the college, there were barren and wild mountains. I remember of bicycling to travel around with some classmates, and almost no men lived on at least half an hour’s drive. I spent the most critical four years of my life in this quiet and isolated environment. There was no noise and impetuousness of a big city or the secularity and philistine of a commercial city. I often laid on the stone steps surrounding the school playground, looked at the stars glimmering in the sky, mountains shadowing the mountains, feeling the bewildered and puzzled life with infinite emotion. Reminisced sometimes, I really like to go back to that green and lost age; though youth is ignorant and painful, it is priceless also. Therefore, I take massive thanks to my alma mater, Fujian Forestry College. It lets me know the mystery and seclusion of mountains and the immensity and profundity of the universe. Sometimes I think that my temperament and personality are all produced by the Forestry College. I love the wild and mountains by myself and indulge in the delight of being far away from the world. After four years of college life full of agony, pain, and preciousness, I was allocated back to Zhangzhou and worked in No.7 Construction Engineering Co., Ltd of Fujian.
As I grow older, my thinking reaches a more expansive zone, which makes me more confused, perplexed, and even feel that my life falls in despair. Nevertheless, it is also a reason to give me a deep understanding of Buddhism and Taoism, the traditional oriental mysticism, and the mystery and profundity of life. On this basis, I came to know Christianity bit by bit; the Christian fraternity returned my mind to normal. At this time, I also began to pay attention to the differences between Eastern and Western civilizations. Zhangzhou was one of the earliest cities of opening to the world; there were many churches leaving behind the Republic of China. I had attended the Cangyuan primary school of Zhangzhou and Zhangzhou No.3 middle school, which all were the previous church school (belonging to the primary and middle schools of women’s Zhengde church school). One day, I relaxed in my friend’s bookstore, an old church facing toward it. It is twilight, the bustling crowds passed by the bookstore’s door, rushing home in an endless stream. At this most secular moment, I suddenly realized that Christianity is the key to the difference between Eastern and Western civilizations? Is it the key to save myself? In fact, I couldn’t wake up completely about that time; I just felt a little disillusion and a little hope in the blurry life. In my thinking afterward, there was more Christianity. In my life later, there was more belief in God. So I felt that life was more hopeful, was thoroughly another world different from the previous.
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If I was in the United States in those days, I might have made a living by writing, at least like The Beat Generation, venting my thoughts while confusing. However, in a secular society like China, what you were required was to stand out in the crowd and store up money to buy a house. At that time, the gains of state-owned enterprises were inferior, could not meet these requirements. So I had the idea of resigning and going into the business; of course, the most important factor was I wanted to find the answer by myself, why capitalists’ profits are called exploitation. At that point, I couldn’t understand the problem with the bookish spirit. Later, I learned from my own experience that capitalists’ profits are not exploitation. Apart from intellectual property rights, they are the cost of despair, pain, and even death. When I was in college, I majored in wood machining related to furniture design and later popular decoration design. So when I went to the business, I founded the Zhangzhou Yucheng Decoration Engineering Co., Ltd. in 2000. I experienced ups and downs in the business several times, went through both success and failure, read countless vicissitudes of life in the world. I recollecting the past; the most miserable time was when I was In Suzhou. I even hadn’t a dollar to buy bubble gum for my friend’s daughter. Around that time, I knew what was being driven into a corner and in a hopeless dilemma. But I also recognize what an extreme counterattack is? What the honesty and kindness of God is? And what incredible power does God owns? My last fight was extraordinarily bitter and tragic solemn. At that time, I was really in a state of bankruptcy; if any material supplier called loans, I could only vanish away because my resource, including my family, couldn’t bear these debts. So I can only believe big things come in small packages and strive to do any tiny thing bit by bit; I explained to every material supplier not to ask for debts. At the same time, I dealt with every customer seriously, demanding myself utmost honest and kind with them. Finally, I struggled back from bankruptcy. After paying off all the debts, I saved a little money and bought a small real estate. Like anyone surviving a tragedy, suffering from a disaster, I have seen through the life and was extremely tired and craved to go into the seclusion.
But The main reason is I know what capitalists’ profits are eventually. I know that profits are the total devotion of capitalists, including love, life, knowledge, wisdom, bitter and twisted,the most arduous efforts, and the extreme fatigue of mental and physical exhaustion, even like I risk life and limb. After understanding this, I lost a lot of interest in the business. At this time, I also found that I was getting older and older, felt life was short and time was swift.so I am monotonous of the business and have no concept with money. Therefore, I decided to explore the ideological sphere I was interested in at a young age and took this as a career of my rest life. Since 2011, although I still take on some small projects for a living, I squeeze out all the time to recite words. Because studying western civilization, I must read English original works, and it is impossible to study from translation. So I memorize words when waiting for clients and workers at the worksite or on my way home. I use all my time to recite words and read the original works. Then, in 2014, I moved into the workroom I bought. In this space belongs to me, my thought is more unrestricted. I come to the workroom to writing at 4:00 a.m every day. The most common sight on the road is the hard figure of sanitation workers, the boss and the bar girl tottering out the nightclub after the night carnival, and the star in the blue and remote sky. It took me five years to finish the 1.2 million word book <the course of Western civilization>. The struggle in the soul will not write out ever and let it belong to privacy.


未经允许不得转载:the course of Western Civilization » 对美国现状等生活现实的感悟,使我更深刻地体会人生,也更加明了人生、上帝创世的意义,结合本人的实际就是翻译,再翻译,写作,再写作。


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