"the course of Western Civilization"




经过一个月的颠簸运送,《西方文明的历程》《简介》《作者简介》一书无论是简体版还是繁体版,在亚马逊上的卖家商城已经全部有货了,可以完全购买了,真没想到这个过程这么艰辛,希望大家踊跃前往购买,需要简体中文版的朋友可以点击https://www.amazon.com/dp/1734417633 这个链接,需要购买繁体中文版的朋友可以点击https://www.amazon.com/dp/1734417609这个链接。出版社是亚马逊美国商家,最适宜的购买对象是美国的朋友,由于境外的简体中文根本过不了海关,所以国内的朋友千万不要前往购买,否则只是浪费金钱而已,出版社网站https://readjoys.com/还有剩余一些校对书稿用来众筹交换,可以满足一些国内朋友的要求,大家可以往出版社网站看看,或者与作者本人联系。


这段时间一直在翻译我的《西方文明的历程》《简介》《作者简介》一书的英文精华版,总共有四十万字左右吧,原本想赶在一个月之内出版,可是正如我们熟知的,理想很丰满,现实却很骨感,原本想每天校对1万字左右,可实际上只能校对6000字,实在遗憾。当然一个主要原因是想通过这次校对把英语所有的疑难点再重新琢磨一篇,为以全新面貌翻译下面80万字文章做准备。这是一件很挑战自我的事,也是检验我一年以来翻译水平,或者说总结十几年来英语学习的一个难得机会,所以我尽量放慢校对速度,希望首先为大家奉献上完美的精华版翻译,也让大家知晓中国人英语能达到的尽可能高度。我一直相信很多年看过的一句话,中国人英语水平的上限其实也就是自己的汉语水平,这其实也是我一直创作五言七言诗的根本原因。很多人问我,“你又不是所谓的诗人,你应该算作一个历史学者,或者一位思想者,作家,写这些古诗干么?” 。其实原因就是我相信母语决定于了我的英语水平,所以想攀登中国文化的最高峰,五言七言诗,极力提高自己的中文水平,同时为自己能够达到英语的最高峰而努力。其实我们人类的感情是相通的,表达的方式也相似,只是一些表面上的文字符号不同而已,你如果知道如何用母语表达自己的感情?也必然知道如何用英语表达,这也是我的切身体会,所以中国人的英语上限就是我们的汉语水平,这句话是完全正确的,当然其中必然有无数艰苦的努力,二者表面上还是有很大不同的。同时通过对英语的理解,我知道中国传统的5言7言诗及宋词是中国文化最珍贵、最瑰宝所在,绝不可能轻言放弃,而去提倡所谓的新诗。我作为一个中国人,或者说想传承中国文化的人,对胡适这一代开启的所谓新文化运动、新诗极端反感,我认为正是这代知识分子的不学无术,滥竽充数,在历史的紧要关头没有承担起知识分子应有的责任,没有看到社会发展的本质,才造成了民族无数的灾难,我至今对54这代大师没有任何好感。我实在不知他们有什么拿得出手的学术成就、经典著作,对了,除了我老乡许地山的《中国道教史》。




追求上帝真理之路漫长而坎坷,任道而重远,不是我一个人可以完成的,上帝也不可能这么安排,无论如何都需要大家的鼎力支持。虽然我无怨无悔,知道上帝已经给了我一切,在战斗中的快乐,圣灵充满的感觉,无限美好的诗与远方,希望与未来,但是在追求上帝真理的路上,确实有太多的坎坷曲折,误解歪曲,甚至莫名其妙的咒骂,所以还是希望大家尽量的支持,让我尽快完成这本书的全部翻译,尽量为美国社会,这个人类社会的龙头重回基督教怀抱贡献一些力量,尽可能让它重回桃花源般的盛世,重回美好的一男一女的甜美爱情,一男一女的美好婚姻,温馨美满的幸福家庭,父慈子孝,尊老爱幼,这些人类最本质的生活,我想这才是人类的真正生活,这也是上帝给我的启示。当然这也将促使我们中国人来到真正的人类社会,而不是人云亦云的荒唐噫语。今天开始我尽量将我校对完 的一些出版社允许的中英文书稿在公众号发表,作为预热推销之用,也希望大家广泛推广传播本书的中文版,特别是英文版。













The United States is a gradually secularized country in the Christian world, which is also the fundamental reason for the decline of the United States

With the unlimited division of sects, various sects developed freely, and human minds were emancipated utterly. Different secular philosophical idealogic continuously emerged. The whole country was gradually non-Christian and secularized. The concepts of separation of church and state and freedom of religion had steadily left the embrace of Christianity and became a universal and abstract philosophical concept. Because of the greed and depravity of human nature, the American government composed of laymen naturally wanted to get rid of the shackles of the church. Therefore, the American government colluded with secular philosophy. These secular philosophies ignored that there was no provision in the Constitution that religion should not interfere in the affairs of the state. They also Ignored the historical fact that the separation of politics and religion was born in the embrace of Christianity. They demanded that religion should not interfere in politics to achieve the complete separation of politics and religion. There is nothing we can do about it. When humans enjoy freedom, they must also bear the cost of freedom because depravity and corruption are also one of freedom.

In the same way, when people enjoy free-thinking bringing vitality to the Christian world, they have to bear its negative impact – secularization, because they are also the result of free-thinking; there is nothing perfect in the world. In fact, secular philosophical thoughts are not bad for Christianity; they stimulate people to think more deeply, make the doctrine more perfect, and make the belief more firm. However, too much of a good thing, excessive secularization has to bring serious disaster. Unfortunately, the United States was going on the road of extreme secularization like most Christian countries, so the crisis appeared. The American government gradually became the enemy of the Christians.


As a result, the unimaginable things happened slowly. Due to the need for economic development, a large number of non-Christian people poured into the United States. They well seized the opportunity of secularization of American society, took root, and sprouted up in the soil, and their population grew rapidly. In this way, Christians and non-Christians lived together, and the proportion of Christians in the United States became less and less. At this time, a fatal crisis also emerged. The reduction of the Christian population combined with the secular philosophical thoughts made the social earth-shaking change. The American government had separated entirely from the Christian Church, representing the country. It had become its own master, the master of all people, Christians, and non-Christians. It not only protected the Christians but also protected non-Christians. In an original Christian country, no matter how secularized, Christians still accounted for the majority, and the Christian Church still undertook many social functions. This was why the secular government, which had become the master of the country, did not want to see it. Therefore, the American government united all non-Christians to suppress Christians. It tried to minimize the social functions of the Christian Church and diminished the influence of the Christian Church, so the American government attacked Christians everywhere and constantly eroded the rights and fields formerly belonging to the church. Moreover, it oppressed Christians on the grounds of complete separation of church and state and religious freedom. It felt like Murong Fu’s peerless martial arts beating you with your own weapon, payback in their own coin.


At this time, the U.S. government claimed that the National aim was to protect all religions, not only Christianity. Christians were the members of the nation first, and they must first obey the will of the nation. So far, the nation was no longer a Christian state and no longer only protected the Christian Church. It had its own will and had become its own master. In fact, it is the will of a few secular elites, a small number of secular elites, and the will of a few people in power. Why do I say so? Here I repeat the ideas of Mosca’s famous book “the ruling class” . “in any society, there are two absolutely opposite classes – the ruling class and the ruled class. The ruling class is generally composed of warriors, priests, land nobles, riches, and knowledgeable groups. They manage national affairs, monopolize state power, and monopolize all kinds of honors. Because the small number of people were organized, and the masses were unorganized. Therefore, it is inevitable for the organized minority to reign over the unorganized majority. When a particular ruling class loses power, another ruling class will replace them. ” This is the real essence of the nation; it always represents the interests of a few elites. No matter what the name the elites uses, the so-called protection of the interests of all people is nothing more than a mask and a gentle veil. When you tear it open, you will see the grim face of the nation. Today, if now anyone says that the American government is still holding the material sword of God, protecting the Christian Church and Christians, he will be regarded as ridiculous as an idiot. This situation can only make people look up to the sky with a deep sigh and tears. Human beings once again leave the embrace of Christianity, leave the separation of politics and religion in the Christian society, which is the most reasonable society to promote human civilization step by step, and once again go on the secular road indomitably. This old road is a circle of turbulence, which has brought endless disasters to humans. Maybe it is the fate of human beings, always struggling in tribulation and tragedy, and the reason is the greed and depravity of humans.


Free thinking and exploration are absolutely the only way humans can reach the truth. The punishing of heresy and the suppression of thought can never make people find the truth in any case. I never deny religious freedom and religious freedom of bringing the wings to humans soaring in their dreams. But I also insist that the ideal society is that the state cannot interfere with religion, but religion can interfere with the society and state. The secular government is composed of corrupt and degenerate people and has a powerful military, police, and other violent institutions. If the secular government weren’t restricted, it would inevitably expand endlessly. Society eventually degenerates and collapses, unrest, war, and finally ruin. In the beginning, American society was short of secularisation, and the American government was still weak, with a few staff and incomplete functions. At this time, perhaps the spiritual sword of a single Protestant sect could restrict it. However, each Protestant sect thought that they were the only descendant of the spiritual sword instead of condensing their spiritual swords into a more powerful spiritual sword, which could strongly restrict the American government. The secular government of the United States took the chance to develop and become a giant monster.

At this point, all single sects had been unable to restrict it. Not only that, more innumerable divisions and endless quarrels erupted among various sects, making their own weaker and more powerless. What’s sad was that under the attack of the U.S. government, these Protestant sects even recognized the concept of complete separation of church and state. They did not capitalize that there were no provisions in the U.S. Constitution stipulating that religion should not interfere in state affairs to strive for their rights. Instead, they completely withdrew themselves from politics and gave up the role of supervision and restriction on the U.S. government. All of these were a huge regret to human history and caused great disaster to human society. We don’t have to blame religious freedom or the influx of non-Christians into the United States. We should blame ourselves first. Because of the greed and degeneration of human nature, we don’t unite as one.


In fact, internal disputes were the root cause of the fatal crisis in the Christian world. When every Protestant sect suggests that they were in charge of the sword of spirit and self-complacency, they didn’t recognize that a sword had lost its initial power when it turned into countless swords. Of course, if these countless swords were stabbed at the same goal, they may still maintain their power, but the fact was far from that. These Protestant sects quarreled endlessly, and the goals of their swords were also scattered and disordered. Even if a few swords hit the target, they were useless, like beating the wind. It is because we were self-defeating martial acts, failed to form a powerful spiritual sword, failed to defend our rights, allowed the secular American government to develop, and constantly eroded the rights of the Christian Church. It is because we had not declared to non-Christians that this is a nation built by Christians, and no one was allowed to shake its foundation – the belief in God and the Bible. We also didn’t claim to non-Christians explicitly that to live in this country, they must believe in brotherhood rather than hatred. As a result, the United States, the city on the hill, a God’s city, the Kingdom of Jesus on earth, a society carrying countless dreams of Puritans, and the Holy Land of Peach Blossoming, lost the restriction of the spiritual sword of the Christian Church. The secular regime continued to expand and become a monster. In the end, it devoured the Christian Church and eventually the whole society. If you look at the Democratic Party’s big-government agenda, high taxes, all things arranged and controlled, you can see what I said is very accurate.

What’s more, what is unacceptable is that this monster first devoured the birthplace of God’s city, the four Puritan states of New England – Massachusetts, Connecticut, New Hampshire, and Rhode Island. Now, none of these descendants of the Puritans knows why their ancestors came to this land? or think that ignorant religious passions drove them. New England has become the radical and liberal Democrats’ storehouse of votes, and Massachusetts is the first state to approve same-sex marriage, the first state to legalize marijuana. How sadly God silences in heaven.







未经允许不得转载:the course of Western Civilization » 美国是一个基督教世界逐渐世俗化的国家,这也是美国衰落的根本原因(中英文版)


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